Pediatric orthopedics doctor
Schedule: Tuesday: 17:30-21:00; Thursday: 18:00 - 21:00
Education and Training
2016 - 2020 - Resident doctor Pediatric Orthopedics SCUC "Gr. Alexandrescu"- Bucharest
2016 - 2020 - UMF PhD student - Orthopedics
2009 - 2015 - UMF Faculty of Medicine "Carol Davila," Bucharest
- General medicine
- SSMB and SSCR member
Publications, conferences, references
- Herdea A, Ulici A, Toma A, Voicu B, Charkaoui A. The Relationship between the Dominant Hand and the Occurrence of the Supracondylar Humerus Fracture in Pediatric Orthopedics. Children. 2021; 8(1):51. https://doi.org/10.3390/children8010051 - 01.2021
- Cristina Oana Daciana Teodorescu, Alexandru Herdea, Adham Chrakaoui, Andrei Teodorescu, Andreea-Iuliana Miron, Amorin Remus Popa. Obesity and pregnancy. Maedica Vol. 15, Nr. 3, p.405 2020, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7726499/ - 09.2020
- Romanian Convention of Hospitals - ed. V - Xgroup Meeting - Spitalul Digital - Speakerhttps: //spatiulmedical.ro/spitalul-digital-xgroup-meetings-healthcare/ - 07.2020
- Assist. Prof. Alexandru HERDEA, MD, Assist. Prof. Adham CHARKAOUI, MD, Assoc. Prof. Alexandru ULICI, MD, Ph.D. Melatonin, calcium, and vitamin D levels in adolescent idiopathic Scoliosis. Ro J Med Pract. 2020;15(2) DOI: 10.37897/RJMP.2020.2.22, https://view.publitas.com/amph/rjmp_2020_2_art-18/page/1 - 07.2020
- A. Herdea, A. Charkaoui, A. Ulici. Prevalence of 25-OH-Vitamin D and Calcium Deficiency in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Journal of Medicine and Life Vol. 13, Issue 2, April-June 2020, pp. 260–264. DOI: 10.25122/JML-2020-0101 https://medandlife.org/all-issues/2020/issue-2-2020/original-article-issue-2-2020/prevalence-of-25-oh-vitamin-d-and-calcium-deficiency-in-adolescent-idiopathic-scoliosis/ – 05.2020
- Practice algorithms for the family doctor - under coord. Prof. Dr. Coriolan Ulmeanu. Chapter Orthopedics and Traumatology: Spinal deformities, gait disorders - Alexandru Herdea, Alexandru Ulici - 03.2020
- Herdea Web SRL - administrator - 02.2020. Plaster immobilization and orthosis in traumatology and pediatric orthopedics - Course - SCUC "Grigore Alexandrescu" - lecturer - 02.2020
- Hotoboc O., Pescarasu I., Herdea A., Ulici A - Painful pronation - Hyperpronation technique vs. supination-flexion technique - National Congress of Pediatric Surgery - Bacau - 11.2019
- Stanciu A, Damean R, Herdea A, Ulici A - Treatment of tibiofibular syndesmosis ruptures. Therapeutic attitude. Tips & Pearls- National Congress of Pediatric Surgery - Bacau - 11.2019
- Herdea A., Stanciu A., Hetea A, Oprea M, Dusca A, Ulici A - Epidemiology of fractures in the pediatric population - Results of the orthopedic clinic for 2018 in SCUC Grigore Alexandrescu- National Congress of Pediatric Surgery - Bacau - 11.2019
- Herdea A., Stanciu A., Ulici A. - Involvement of vitamin D3 and Calcium in pediatric fractures - preliminary results of a prospective study - National Congress of Pediatric Surgery - Bacau - 11.2019
- Ulici A., Rosca D, Sterian AG, Carp M, Tevanov I, Florea DC, Nahoi CA, Herdea A - Causes of failure in hip ultrasound of the newborn. Top 10 errors - National Congress of Pediatric Surgery - Bacau - 11.2019
- Ulici A., Fodor I., Dinu M., Frumuseanu B., Stanciu A., Constantinescu BM., Dumitrescu C., Carp M, Tevanov A, Sterian AG, Nahoi C, Herdea A, Haram O, Sandu D, Odagiu E. - Elastic osteosynthesis of long bones - tips & tricks. The experience of the SCUC "Grigore Alexandrescu" orthopedic clinic - National Congress of Pediatric Surgery - Bacau - 11.2019
- Congenital crooked leg: etiology, diagnosis, and treatment - Course - SCUC "Grigore Alexandrescu" lecturer - 09.2019
- Social media, advertising and new technologies for health - 06.2019 - Lecturer - Bucharest - SNSPA - Postgraduate program in health communication
- EPOS Paediatric Foot And Ankle Disorders Course - Participant - Thessaloniki, Greece – 05.2019
- EPOS Annual Meeting - Participant – Tel Aviv, Israel – 04.2019
- Chapter in the book: Melatonin - Zamfir-Chiru-Anton A, Ulici A, Stanciu AE., Georgescu M, Gheorghe D, Herdea A: "The involvement of melatonin in the etiopathogenesis of idiopathic scoliosis." pp. 79-94. ISBN: 978-606-011-071-2 "Carol Davila" University Publishing House - Bucharest, 2019.03
- EPOS BAT Instructional Course Trilogy (Part I): Paediatric Orthopaedic Basic I - Participant - Viena, Austria – 03.2019
- How to optimize my office computer? - Dr. Alexandru Herdea, AREPMF - Poiana Brasov 02.2019
- Trauma in Pediatrics. Diagnosis and treatment algorithm - Dr. Alexandru Herdea, AREPMF - Poiana Brasov 02.2019
- Controlling the progression of curves in idiopathic Scoliosis following the administration of melatonin, calcium, and vitamin D. Randomized clinical study, case-control, interventional. - Dr. Alexandru Herdea, AREPMF - Poiana Brasov 02.2019
- Ulici A, Herdea A, Carp M, Nahoi CA, Tevanov I. Nursemaid's elbow – Supination-flexion technique versus hyper pronation/forced pronation: Randomized clinical study. Indian J Orthop [serial online] 2019 [cited 2019 Feb 14];53:117-21. Available from: http://www.ijoonline.com/text.asp?2019/53/1/117/251703
- Prevention in primary care - intrafamilial predictive model (IPM) - V. Herdea, R. Ghionaru, E. Costiug, I. Brinza, SN Rus, L. Comnea, E. Egri, E. Ruja, L. Chitanu, CF Pop, L. Soldea, A. Herdea, P. Tarciuc, Romanian Journal of Pediatrics - Vol. LXVII no. 3 Year 2018 - 01.2019
Personal projects
- Prevention in primary care - intrafamilial predictive model (MPI) - V. Herdea, R. Ghionaru, E. Costiug, I. Brinza, SN Rus, L. Comnea E. Egri, E. Ruja, L.Chitanu, C. Mirauta, CF Pop, L.Soldea, A. Herdea - corresponding author http://revistemedicale.amaltea.ro/Romanian_Journal_of_PEDIATRICS/Revista_Romana_de_PEDIATRIE-2018-Nr.3/RJP_2018_3_EN_Art-04.pdf, European Academy of Paediatric Societies (EAPS 2018)
- Diagnosis and treatment of hip development dysplasia - theoretical and practical elements - Speaker - 08.2018
- Nursemaid's elbow: supination-flexion technique vs. Hyperpronation/forced pronation. Randomized clinical study. Dr. Alexandru Herdea, Dr. Alexandru Ulici, Dr. Albert Stanciu - EPOS, Oslo – Norvegia 04.2018
- Managing the patients in a pediatric orthopedic ambulatory by using dedicated software. Dr. Alexandru Herdea, Dr. Alexandru Ulici - Romanian Society of Traumatology and Pediatric Orthopedics, Bucharest - 03.2018
- Involvement of Vitamin D3 and Calcium in osteoarticular pathology. Dr. Alexandru Herdea, Dr. Alexandru Ulici - AREPMF National Conference, Tg. Mures - 02.2018
- Algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of Scoliosis. Dr. Alexandru Herdea, Dr. Alexandru Ulici - AREPMF National Conference, Tg Mures - 02.2018
- Workshop - Trauma in Pediatric Orthopedics - Participant - Bucharest - 01.2018
- MediWeb - Computer system for patient management in the Orthopedics - Surgery outpatient clinic of SCUC "Grigore Alexandrescu" - Dr. Alexandru Herdea, Dr. Alin Hetea. Project manager - Bucharest - 12.2017
- EPOS Advanced Course - Fundamentals of Pediatric Spine Deformities - Participant, Orthopaedic Hospital Speising - Vienna, Austria - 11.2017
- Internship Ortopedie Pediatrica - Soroka Medical Center - Be'er-Sheva, Israel - 11.2017
- Workshop româno-american Health Communication and Social Context. Doctor-patient communication in online and real-life context - Guest speaker – SNSPA, Bucuresti - 10.2017
- Diagnosis and treatment algorithm in Scoliosis. Dr. Alexandru Herdea, Dr. Dorin Rosca, Dr. Alexandru Ulici, Dr. Elena Ruja - The Days of the Romanian Association for Pediatric Education in Family Medicine - Paltinis, Sibiu - 10.2017
- Painful pronation. Dr. Alexandru Herdea, Dr. Albert Stanciu, Dr. Valeria Herdea, Dr. Laura Comnea - Regional Conference of Family Physicians - Constanta, 09.2017
- Scoliosis Course: Elements of diagnosis and treatment - Participant, Bucharest - 08.2017
- Nursemaid's elbow: Approach Considerations. Dr. Alexandru Herdea, Dr. Albert Stanciu, Dr. Valeria Herdea, Dr. Laura Comnea - Wonca – Prague, 07.2017
- EPOSNA - Pediatric Orthopedics Conference - Participant, Barcelona - Sptain - 05.2017
- Orthopedic screening of the premature newborn and IVF. Dr. Albert Stanciu, Dr. Raluca Damean, Dr. Alexandru Herdea - AREPMF Conference - Sinaia, 02.2017
- Painful pronation: supination-flexion method vs. hyper pronation / forced pronation method. An observational clinical study. Dr. Alexandru Herdea, Dr. Alexandru Ulici - ARTOP Conference - Bucharest - SCUC „Grigore Alexandrescu”
- Is melatonin involved in the etiopathogenesis of idiopathic Scoliosis? Systematic analysis of the literature. Dr. Alexandru Herdea, Dr. Albert Stanciu, Dr. Alexandru Ulici, Dr. Catalin Cirstoiu - Medic.ro Magazine - 2016 no. 114 https://www.medichub.ro/reviste/medic-ro/este-melatonina-implicata-in-etiopatogenia-scoliozei-idiopatice-analiza-sistematica-a-literaturii-de-specialitate-id-383-cmsid-51
- Teenager - a challenge in family medicine practice, Valeria Herdea, Ileana Brinza, Laura Comnea, Herdea Alexandru, June 15-18, 2016 - Wonca Copenhagen
- Vaccination - a right to equal opportunities. Valeria Herdea, Liliana Barbacariu, Emiliana Costiug, Alexandru Herdea - Braila, 2015
- Newborn at risk in family doctor practice. Valeria Herdea, Liliana Barbacariu, Emiliana Costiug, Alexandru Herdea, Mamaia, 2015
- Symposium for the Prevention of Breast and Ovarian Cervical Cancer, Facaeni, 2014
- Symposium for the Prevention of Cervical, Breast and Ovarian Cancer, Izbiceni, 2014
- Symposium for the Prevention of Cervical, Breast and Ovarian Cancer, Budila, 2014
- Symposium for the Prevention of Cervical, Breast and Ovarian Cancer, Budila, 2014
- Symposium for the Prevention of Cervical, Breast and Ovarian Cancer, Cosesti, 2014
International conferences
- Respiratory infections in the practice of the family doctor. Author: V. Herdea, L. Comnea, L. Soldea, AD Herdea, T. Herdea - Espid - Dublin, Ireland. May 2014
- Premature care in the practice of family medicine. Author: V. Herdea, L. Comnea, L. Soldea, AD Herdea, T. Herdea - Lisbon, Portugal. July 2014
- BCG vaccination in family doctor practice. Author: V. Herdea, L. Comnea, L. Soldea, AD Herdea, T. Herdea - Lisbon, Portugal. July 2014
- Management of respiratory infections in MF practice. Author: V. Herdea, L. Comnea, L. Soldea, AD Herdea, T. Herdea - Lisbon, Portugal. July 2014
National conferences
- Peculiarities in the care of the premature baby in the practice of the family doctor. Clinical study. 2001-2013 (link). Authors: V. Herdea, L. Comnea, L. Soldea, AD Herdea, T. Herdea - Murighiol, 2013, National Conference of Neonatology
- International congresses
- Arguments to a holistic approach for oncology patient in family medicine practice. Clinical trial between 2002-2012. Autori: V. Herdea, L. Comnea, L. Soldea, A. D. Herdea, T. Herdea - Prague, Wonca 2013
- Immunomodulation efficiency in pediatric practice of family physician. Clinical trial between 2009-2012. Autori: L. Comnea, V. Herdea, L. Soldea, A. Herdea, T. Herdea - Prague, Wonca 2013 (grant de cercetare)
- Involvement of the family doctor in the prevention, detection and follow-up of patients with genito-mammary tumors. Clinical study. Authors: V. Herdea, L. Comnea, L. Soldea, AD Herdea, T. Herdea - Braila, October 18-22, 2012, National Conference of Family Physicians
- Between desideratum and reality in family medicine. Clinical Study. 2005-2012. Authors: V. Herdea, L. Comnea, L. Soldea, AD Herdea, T. Herdea - Constanta, 2012, Regional Conference of Family Physicians
- Congres International. The Results Of Monitoring Bio-clinical Parameters In A Panel Of Children Born As A Result Of In Vitro Fertilization Vs. A Control Group - Clinical Study Conducted over 10 Years, Between 2001 And 2011. Autori: V. Herdea, L. Comnea, L. Soldea, A. D. Herdea, T. Herdea - Vienna, Wonca 2012
- 2018 - Computer system for bed management from SCUC "Grigore Alexandrescu"
- 2017 - MediWeb - Computer management system for patients in the Orthopedics - Surgery outpatient clinic of SCUC "Grigore Alexandrescu"
- 2016 - Vaccinare.online - identity, website, marketing, optimization, SMO, PR
- 2014 - AREPMF.ro - identity, website, marketing, optimization, SMO, PR
- 2014 - SynergyDaySpa.ro - website, SEO, optimization
- 2013 - AsociatiaPedia.ro - website, identity
- 2013 - Centruldemeditatii.ro - website, SMO, SEO, optimization, marketing
- 2013 - Fibromul.ro - website, logo, SEO, optimization
- 2013 - Chirurgie-orala.ro - website, logo, SEO, optimization
- 2013 - Cazaripelitoral.ro - website, logo, identity, SEO, optimization, marketing
- 2013 - UPU Guard - Orthopedics - "Floreasca" Emergency Hospital - Bucharest, Children's Clinical Hospital "Gr. Alexandrescu"- Bucharest
- 2012 - Ortopedieclinica.ro - website, logo, identity, SEO, optimization, SMO
- 2012 - Evanghelismos.ro - website, logo, identity, marketing, SEO, optimization
- 2012 - Piese-motoare.ro - website, optimization, SEO
- 2012 - Assamblage.ro - website, optimization
- 2012 – Departamentmorfologie.ro – website, logo
- 2012 - Stomatologie-dh.ro - website, optimization, logo, SEO, identity, PR
- 2011 - Fertilia.ro - website, logo, optimization, SEO
- 2011 - Kinetoterapie.net - website, optimization, SEO
- 2011 - Dokimd.ro - website, logo, optimization, SEO
- 2011 - Co-co.ro - website, logo, SEO, optimization, SMO
- 2011 - Magazinuldeparfumuri.ro - website, logo, SEO, optimization
- 2010 – Deseneanimate.herdea.ro – website, logo, SEO
- 2010 – Jocuriflash.herdea.ro – website, logo, SEO
- 2010 - Concurs.herdea.ro - website, logo, SEO, optimization, SMO, identity, marketing, PR
- 2010 - Hanulcunoroc.com - website, logo, identity, SEO, optimization
- 2010 – Pieseautocarbon.ro – website, logo, SEO
- 2010 - Embriologie.ro - website, logo, identity, SEO, optimization, SMO
- 2009 - Herdea.ro - website, logo, identity, marketing, SEO, optimization, SMO, PR
- 2009 - National Competition "Infoeducation" - 1st place - Webdesign - Bucharest
- 2008 - Initiereumana.herdea.ro - website, logo, identity
- 2008 - Marianacimpeanu.ro - website, logo, identity, SEO, optimization
- 2007 – DanCostin.ro – webdesign, logo, SEO
- 2007 – DoinaCostin.ro – webdesign, logo, SEO
See patients' opinions about Alexandru Herdea, MD
Service | Rate (LEI) | Details |
New consultation (specialist physician) | 300 | |
Follow-up consultation (specialist physician) | 200 | |
Wire ablation | 100 | |
Joint infiltrations with vascoelastic solutions (hyaluronic acid) | 1200 | Details |
Plasma additive solution with low concentration platelet | 1000 | Details |
Classic upper limb plaster | 130 | |
Gypsum resin upper limb | 200 | |
Gypsum resin lower limb | 250 | |
Plaster removal | 100 |
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