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Like motor development, language development begins in the first days of life and is just as important in assessing the child.
In the first month we follow the screaming and the nasal sounds - ch, g, n, h, the sounds that are heard when swallowing and, when crying, the sounds e and a appear.
In the second month the sounds rr, ga, ng, a, appear. It's in the shape of a scream before the meal.
In the 3rd month, the grouped consonants and vowels appear: ga, gr, and rrr chains are produced. He expresses himself purposefully when he has certain needs and understands, to a certain extent, what is required of him.
In the 4th month, there are differentiated consonants: ma-ma, mb, differentiated sounds when you close your mouth or when you blow or spit, plus sounds before falling asleep.
In the 5th month, you will begin to hear the sounds ba, ba, ma, ma, plus chains of sounds that form when he laughs and when he is nervous.
In the 6th month, the sounds dei, die, mem appear, and they recognize their own name and react to the music. He makes sounds of effort, and the mandible intervenes with masticatory movements. The child also begins to imitate - if the child is calmer at this age, a hearing test should be done.
In the 7th month, the child begins to express his emotions, because the stage of shame begins. The sounds are m, v, w, he changes the vowels, shouts the letter S when he is nervous, and whispers. He doesn't like to imitate as much as he likes to make sounds.
In the 8th month, the "mother" and "grandmother" sound chains appear. During this period, the cultural differences of each language appear. He also begins to ask for attention and gestures.
In the 9th month, he repeats, imitates, takes out spontaneous, rhythmic words, and at the end of the 3rd trimester of life (at the end of the 9th month) you can expect the first coherent words.
Between 10 and 12 months, the child can say meaningful words, clearly understands "no" and needs rules. Also, he begins to react to his name, can return to people if asked, and imitates the adult.
At 11 months he understands the melodic line and what is required of him and can imitate syllables or sounds from animals.
At 12 months, the child begins to use words to meet his needs and has baggage of about 10 words.
Centrokinetic enjoys the presence of speech therapist Carmen Grigorescu.
Professional experience
- 2014 - present - Specialist Clinical Psychologist, Speech Therapist, Supervisor, ABA Therapy Coordinator, Association for the Recovery and Integration of Children with Autism (ARICA), President of the Association for the Recovery and Integration of Children with Autism (ARICA)
- 2011-present - Specialist Clinical Psychologist, Speech Therapist, Supervisor, ABA Therapy Coordinator, Individual Psychology Office Carmen Hotar
- 2010-2012 - Clinical Psychologist, Supervisor, ABA Coordinator - Association for Therapeutic Intervention in Autism (AITA)
- 2008-2010 - Psychotherapist
Academic history
- Course: How to manage the child's emotions, Parenting Center
- Conference: How to raise independent, strong-willed children who will make a better world, Dr. John Demartini
- Conference: Cultivating parental intelligence through courage, compassion, and connection, Parenting Center
- Seminar: 18 Fundamental Parenting Techniques for Balanced Children and Fulfilled Parents, Urania Cremene
- Conference: Parent-Child Attachment, Healthy Relationships, Prenatal Life Cradle Association.
- Course: Psychological counseling increasing treatment compliance and pre- and post-operative support
- Conference for augmentative and alternative communication, for Eastern and Central European countries, College of Psychologists
- Course: Psychotherapist, help for people with diabetes, College of Psychologists
- Course: Psychological counseling increasing compliance with treatment and pre- and post-operative support, College of Psychologists
- The 3rd Conference of the Rome Society of Pediatric Neurology
2015- 2017
- Master: Speech therapy in communication processes, University of Bucharest
- Master: Clinical Psychology, Hypnosis, and Short-Term Psychotherapy, Titu Maiorescu University
- Master: Human Resources Administration and Development, University of Bucharest
- Faculty of Sociology-Psychology, Spiru Haret University, bachelor's degree-psychologist
- Workshop on neurometabolic diseases and brain malformations, SRNP
- ABA Bucharest International Conference, College of Psychologists
- Certified Specialist Clinic Psychologist, College of Psychologists
- Continuing education course: Evaluation and psychological intervention in adults, College of Psychologists
- Conference: Dravet Syndrome, Romanian Society of Pediatrics
- Course: Social media for NGOs and informal groups
- Follow-up of the newborn at risk of neurological sequelae, Romanian Society of Pediatrics
- Continuing education course: Talking to emotions. Verbal behavior and language of emotions (PECS), College of Psychologists
- Trainer within the European project "Therapeutic interventions in the recovery of people with ASD" (monitoring of therapists), College of Psychologists
- Continuing education course: Models of good practice in early intervention and working with children with disabilities, College of Psychologists
- Certificate of free practice - autonomous psychologist, College of Psychologists
- Course: Music therapy-means of development for people with disabilities
- Continuing education course: TEACCH method (Treatment and education of children with autism and communication disabilities), College of Psychologists
- Conference: Diagnosis and therapies in autism, College of Psychologists
- Course: Generalization and maintenance in the therapy of children with autism - play and creativity
- Supervision - Clinical Psychology
- Continuing education course - 150 hours of personal development, College of Psychologists
- Continuing education course: Cognitive-behavioral therapies in children with neuropsychiatric developmental disorders, College of Psychologists
- Continuing education course: Psychodiagnosis and clinical evaluation. Fundamentals (Applications for children aged 12), College of Psychologists
- Continuing education course: Psychodiagnosis and clinical evaluation. , College of Psychologists
- Course: Childhood experiences in the structure of adult personality, College of Psychologists
- Course: Behavioral therapy techniques applied to the child with autism, College of Psychologists
- Certificate of free practice - clinical psychologist under supervision, College of Psychologists
- Continuing education course: Inspector of human resources
- Continuing education course: Cognitive-behavioral therapies in children with neuropsychiatric developmental disorders - PECS method, College of Psychologists
- Graduation certificate for education, Faculty of Sociology-Psychology, "Spiru Haret" University
Sustained courses
- 2018 - Lecturer course: The importance of the shadow in the integration of children with autism
- 2017 - Lecturer: The importance of the shadow in the integration of children with autism
- 2016 - Lecturer: The importance of the shadow in the integration of children with autism
- 2015
- Lecturer: Education and creativity for a knowledge-based society, Video modeling for autistic children
- Lecturer Course: Demand and language, approach from the perspective of the shadow, Association for the Recovery and Integration of Children with Autism
- Lecturer: Different but equal-integration of children with autism, Special Technological High School no. 3
- 2011 - Lecturer: Therapies and interventions in autism, Titu Maiorescu University
We also enjoy the presence of speech therapist Carmen Florea.
Professional experience:
- 2014 - present: Psychologist and psychotherapist, Individual psychology office, Bucharest
- 2015 - 2016: Teacher, Theodor Pallady High School, Bucharest
- 2016 - present: Master, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Hyperion University
- 2014 - 2015: Master of Pedagogy, Module of Pedagogy I and II Postgraduate
- 2012 - 2014: Master of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy Association, Bucharest
- 2011 - 2013: Master of Human Resources Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Titu Maiorescu University
- 2007 - 2011: Faculty of Psychology, Titu Maiorescu University
- 2016: Certificate in Work and Organizational Psychology, Romanian College of Psychologists
- 2016: Certified Psychotherapist specializing in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, Romanian College of Psychologists
- 2012: Certificate in Clinical Psychology, Romanian College of Psychologists
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You can find here a detailed list of the prices of individual services. But any correct recovery process is based on a mixed plan of therapies and procedures, customized according to the condition, stage of the condition, patient profile, and other objective medical factors. As a result, in order to configure a treatment plan, with the therapies involved and the prices related to the plan, please make an appointment here for an initial consultation.

See here how you can make an appointment and the location of our clinics.