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Transcranial Direct Stimulation

Article written by: ALEX MUNTEANU, Kinetoterapeut

Actualizat: 21-01-2025 / Publicat: 25-08-2020

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Transmission of electrical currents in the brain through the direct transcranial stimulation device may be the next major trend in performance training, being already known for its potential to treat depression, neuromuscular disorders, and traumatic brain injuries.

The basic principle of tDCS - the transmission of a current of moderate intensity in the brain for therapeutic benefits, which is not new. The ancient Romans used the electric shocks of Torpedo fish to alleviate headaches. Today, neuroscience and performance athletes use the tDCS device to increase performance, muscle endurance, and athletic ability in general.

As a form of neurostimulation, tDCS uses constant direct electrical currents to stimulate specific regions of the brain. The administration of these low-intensity currents sends that specific region of the brain into an increased state of neuroplasticity, in which new neural pathways are formed, and existing ones are fortified faster. In other words, the brain learns much faster in the hyperplastic state induced by tDCS.

Many studies demonstrate the ability of tDCS to increase learning ability and improve motor skills. Traditionally, tDCS is administered in a laboratory-type set-up to a patient wearing a cap full of thin cables, but the tDCS device designed by HaloNeuroscience looks more like a pair of modern, high-quality headphones. Halo Neuroscience created this pair of headphones to transmit electricity directly to the region of the brain responsible for motion control - the motor cortex. Stimulated by this device, the nerve cells enter a hyperplastic state. Neurons transmit nerve impulses much faster, helping to strengthen the neural pathways associated with any type of activity that involves muscle memory, strength, and endurance.

After a 20-minute session with tDCS headphones, the athlete should be in a hyperplastic state for 60 minutes, during which time he can train more effectively. 

Many times when we think of sports, we think of the body in the first instance (muscle strength, pulse, physical endurance). The truth is that the brain is responsible for most sports skills. Although, we need muscle fibers to run, swim, lift weights, without the brain these muscles would be useless because each of them is controlled by the nervous system.

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To explain the science behind sports training with tDCS headphones, Halo Neuroscience uses as an example, learning how to throw a basketball. If you have never thrown the ball in the basket, you will learn everything from scratch, thus forming new neural pathways in the motor cortex. With each throw, the newly formed neural pathways strengthen and create muscle memory. In a hyperplastic state induced by tDCS, these neural pathways form much faster. By training in a hyperplastic state, the athlete can improve his performance in a much shorter time than normal.

In the example used to throw the ball to the basket, reference was made to the formation of muscle memory, a type of training that improves coordination and the development of motor skills. TDCS can also help the body develop strength and endurance.

Development of muscle strength and endurance

Many athletes focus a lot on strength training when they want to become stronger, but becoming stronger does not just mean creating new muscle fibers. To become stronger, the athlete must also train his brain to use those new fibers that he has just created during training.
If the brain does not develop new neural pathways to control new muscle fibers, they will not contract when the athlete lifts the weight. When the athlete trains in a hyperplastic state, the brain will learn much faster how to use the newly formed muscle fibers to develop more strength with each repetition. Training with tDCS increases neural pathway development by 10%.
Using the tDCS device can help the brain improve its motor cortex, increasing its ability to eliminate central fatigue. Endurance athletes already know that running a marathon or participating in a triathlon requires incredible mental endurance, in addition to physical endurance. Most athletes who train regularly will be mentally tired long before the onset of physical fatigue. A runner or cyclist, for example, can no longer lift even a bottle of water, even if he did not use his hands during the competition. This apparent physical fatigue occurs when the brain is too tired to control the body. This sensation is called central fatigue and occurs due to weak signals transmitted to the muscles by the motor cortex.
An endurance athlete's brain must transmit strong electrical signals to the muscles for long periods. Endurance training in a hyperplastic state can help strengthen the motor cortex, increasing its ability to remove central fatigue.

Evidence of training with tDCS

Thanks to training with tDCS, both strength, and endurance of performance athletes, break new barriers centralizing the role of the brain in physical performance. For example, revised studies have shown that training with the Halo Neuroscience tDCS headphones has increased athletic performance by 15%. A controlled, placebo-controlled study conducted by the US Olympic showed that athletes who practice skiing and snowboarding performed 45% better during training.

Ironman champion Tim O'Donnell, the first American to break the 8-hour barrier in Hawaii, owes his success to the tDCS device.
In addition to the multitude of studies that demonstrate the efficiency of the tDCS device, the "Ironman" champion Tim O'Donnell is also responsible for the constant development of the most important award, training with tDCS headphones. 
Although the studies behind tDCS and sports training are somewhat limited and sports development outside of performance sports is difficult to analyze, the evidence gathered is quite positive. In addition, years of study on the tDCS device did not reveal any significant adverse effects from nerve stimulation.
Now, with many professionals reporting positive results and the safety of direct transcranial stimulation by electric current, more and more athletes, dancers, even singers choose to experience the beneficial effects of this device.

At Centrokinetic you will find Dr. Edis Mustafa , a specialist in medical recovery, who specializes in tES therapy, treating over 200 patients, and none of them had any side effects. Dr. Mustafa did his doctorate in tES therapy, being the most experienced doctor in Romania.

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Our specialist,  Dr. Edis Mustafa, confidently recommends this new therapeutic approach, with exceptional personal results similar to those in various international studies published with patients treated so far. 

Here you can find a detailed list of prices for transcranial electrical stimulation (tES) services.


You can find here a detailed list of the prices of individual services. But any correct recovery process is based on a mixed plan of therapies and procedures, customized according to the condition, stage of the condition, patient profile, and other objective medical factors. As a result, in order to configure a treatment plan, with the therapies involved and the prices related to the plan, please make an appointment here for an initial consultation.


See here how you can make an appointment and the location of our clinics.