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READ MOREActualizat: 16-01-2024 / Publicat: 29-05-2017
Every child is unique and develops at their own pace. With each passing day, the baby learns new things and realizes that he can do them himself, with maximum effort and a lot of patience. Neuromotor development is extremely important.
When he learns to turn on his stomach, to roll, to sit on his bottom, to walk on all fours, to stand up and then walk, he not only learns the movements themselves but also how to learn those. movements, using them further. He learns to do things on his own, to want to perform certain movements, and to experiment.
Why take your child to Baby Gym?
The stages of neuromotor development are extremely important, and we must guide them on this journey. Together with the parents, we follow each step of the development, but we guide them, most of the time, to let the child experiment and learn the way to a beautiful and harmonious growth.
We want to create a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere for all those involved in this process so that the child strengthens his physical abilities, becoming a strong and independent person. Thus, we thought of programs with activities adapted to each child, but also depending on the age categories: whether your baby is 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, or 8 months. Guided by our physiotherapists with over 7 years of experience in the treatment and prophylaxis of infants, babies, young children, and preschoolers, they will discover the world through play and active movement, and physical exercises specially designed for children.
Top exercises that help develop the baby's muscles
- Grab
- Turn on the belly
- Rolling
- Stand in the buttocks
- Walking on all fours
- Standing up
- Independent walking
Every child is unique and develops at their own pace. However, as parents, it is essential to monitor them from an early age and to support them through all stages of neuromotor development. "To give them a good start in life, it is important to encourage children to reach their well-known milestones as correctly as possible - grabbing, turning on their bellies, rolling, sitting on their buttocks, walking on all fours, standing up and, finally, independent walking. This is where the baby's gymnastics intervenes, specialized therapists, guiding the parent to understand the normal neuromotor development stages and, through play and stimulation, to help the baby develop harmoniously ", explains Dr. Cezar Tomescu, pediatric orthopedic specialist at Centrokinetic Medical Recovery Clinic, Bucharest.
Gymnastics for babies according to age
Every six weeks
From what age does the stimulation of the little one start? The doctor says: “The baby's neuromotor development begins around the age of 6 weeks. This first stage aims at optical orientation, the little one turning his gaze to his parents, to his toys. Then, the stages have an evolution every 6 weeks. Therefore, we can start stimulating him very early by visual stimulation, so that later, around the age of 4 months, we reach the stage of catching the toys, which is the starting point for rolling and crawling ”.
The benefits of gymnastics for children
Depending on the age, the baby is "trained" to perform the movements corresponding to the model of neuromotor development. The exercises are always adapted, each session is personalized, to respond exactly to the needs of each child. Taking into account the child's age, options can be chosen to work individually or in group sessions, the children stimulating each other very well through play. On average, Baby Gym sessions last between 30 and 40 minutes, with a frequency of 2-3 times a week. The rest of the time, the parent must learn what to look for at home to stimulate the child.
Because gymnastics sessions take place under the supervision of over-specialized therapists, the results are impressive. "We evaluate the musculoskeletal development and then we follow it permanently. I recently had a 10-month-old girl who was supposed to be at a four-legged developmental stage - standing on the edge of the bed, but she came to us about 3 months late, being at a stage of walking. rolling. To the astonishment of her parents, after only two sessions, the little girl began to walk on all fours and stand up. In general, if we are talking about a child with a simple delay in development, without it being a question of a central nervous system impairment, it is enough to show them what they have to do and the children are doing great" says Dr. Tomescu.
Hyperprotection, a serious matter
The experience of recent years has revealed two major factors that negatively influence a child's development: "Obesity among children is growing alarmingly, which is why exercise must be paramount from a very young age. We, on the other hand, notice overprotection, which discourages the child from exerting physical effort. Fearing of the child being hit, the parent does things for him - he offers the toy instead of letting him reach to it, holding him excessively in his arms instead of making him a playground to explore, puts it in walking devices instead of letting it cling and start on its own, etc. This is where most of the delays in the child's neuromotor development occur ", warns the orthopedist.
In the Specialized Pediatric Medical Recovery Department we are glad to have Ruxandra Tudosoiu in our team. She is overspecialized in Schroth therapy for the treatment of scoliosis, with 7 years of experience, fully involved in recovering patients. We have Sorina Micu, a physiotherapist passionate about working and interacting with children, overspecialized in Schroth therapy, which aims to prevent or recover from disabilities due to some conditions or injuries, Anne Iordanescu , physiotherapist specializing in pediatric rehabilitation and Oana Coman, with over 3 years of experience in this field.
You can find here a detailed list of the prices of individual services. But any correct recovery process is based on a mixed plan of therapies and procedures, customized according to the condition, stage of the condition, patient profile, and other objective medical factors. As a result, in order to configure a treatment plan, with the therapies involved and the prices related to the plan, please make an appointment here for an initial consultation.

See here how you can make an appointment and the location of our clinics.