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Article written by: ANDREI BOGDAN, MD, Orthopedics-traumatology doctor

Actualizat: 29-12-2023 / Publicat: 29-12-2023


What is the Advanced Open MRI System?

Centrokinetic is equipped with the most advanced open imaging device, providing sophisticated MRI images through a permanent magnet with a static field intensity of 0.4 T, along with a compact portal. The technological expertise of Fujifilm has enabled the design and creation of an MRI structure with a single pillar, offering premium open space.

Aperto Lucent offers an open, panoramic, extended view, designed to reduce patient anxiety and provide a comfortable examination environment.

Advantages of the Open MRI

Benefit #1 - Increased comfort for patients: Open MRI devices are designed to offer a more comfortable experience for patients. Unlike traditional closed ones, which can be claustrophobic and uncomfortable, these have an open configuration, allowing patients to stretch out in a more relaxed position.

Benefit #2 - Efficient for claustrophobic patients: Open MRI devices are ideal for patients suffering from anxiety or claustrophobia. They have no walls, making patients feel more at ease.

Benefit #3 - No concerns about the patient's size: Overweight people can have difficulty entering the cylindrical tube of a closed MRI. Open MRI devices have a larger diameter of the opening and a wider table, facilitating a more comfortable fit for overweight patients.

Benefit #4 - Ease in examining children: Children do not like to stay still for a long time. Closed MRI can make them restless, leading to unclear images. Open MRI is beneficial in making them feel relaxed.

Benefit #5 - Ease in positioning body parts for scanning: A patient enters completely into the closed MRI device, making focusing on the area of interest difficult. In the case of the open MRI, radiologists can easily position the body parts of interest in front of the magnets for a focused scan.

Benefit #6 - Works excellently for elderly or orthopedic patients: Older or orthopedic patients have difficulty staying still in a fixed position for a long time. With the open MRI, they have more flexibility.

Benefit #7 - Better imaging: Most patients start breathing heavily when entering the closed MRI device, making it difficult to obtain an adequate image. The relaxation and comfort offered by an open MRI can lead to better quality of the images produced.

Why Choose Our Clinic?

  • Specialized MRI equipment for orthopedic examinations. At the musculoskeletal level, it is a complex, non-invasive investigation, providing information about bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, and nerve structures. It is also the examination through which cartilage lesions are quantified.
  • A safe investigation, without radiation, pain-free, and without other side effects. It is very suitable for investigations of orthopedic problems in children, with MRI being a key tool in diagnosing and resolving pediatric orthopedic conditions.
  • A radiologist specialized in musculoskeletal imaging. That is a radiologist who performs and interprets over 100 knee MRI scans each month.
  • A direct contact team of radiologist and orthopedist in the clinic, for the proper investigation and diagnosis of any orthopedic problem.
  • MRI scanning and orthopedic consultation on the same day, in the same clinic, to complete the diagnostic stage as quickly and conveniently for the patient as possible.
  • Premium conditions at an accessible and fair price. Our clinic is recognized for the conditions offered and for the care for each patient.


See here how you can make an appointment and the location of our clinics.