Actualizat: 23-05-2024 / Publicat: 23-05-2024
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you work with the insurance house? Do you accept referral tickets?
Centrokinetic Clinic does not work with the Health Insurance House, so we do not accept referral tickets for medical services reimbursed through the insurance house.
Why don't you work with the insurance house?
At Centrokinetic, we focus on providing superior quality medical services to our patients. In this continuous pursuit of excellence, we have decided to operate as a purely private institution. This allows us the freedom to manage our medical and operational decisions in a way that best meets the needs of our patients. It also allows us to constantly invest in state-of-the-art equipment, innovative technologies, and top professionals in the field of orthopedics and rehabilitation.
Collaboration with the public health insurance system could bring certain regulations, limitations, and reimbursement rates that might hinder our ability to provide the high-quality services we desire for our patients. These restrictions can affect the personalized and high-quality level of care that we strive to offer.
Therefore, although we are aware that our decision not to collaborate with the public health insurance system may pose some financial challenges, we are convinced that this approach allows us to offer the best possible service to our patients.
Where is your clinic located?
Our clinic has 7 locations. Find their addresses below:
a) Bucharest:- Centrokinetic Floreasca (Blv. Mircea Eliade, nr. 18);
- Centrokinetic Barbu Văcărescu (Str. Barbu Văcărescu, nr. 102);
- Centrokinetic Militari (Blv. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 15G);
- Centrokinetic Dristor (Str. Laborator, nr. 14);
- Centrokinetic Cluj (Str. Între Lacuri, nr. 1);
Where can I find the list of therapies and prices?
Find here a list with all the prices of our clinic: do you have the open MRI?
You can find the open MRI in:
- our clinic in Militari, Bucharest (Bld. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 15G). Our schedule is: Monday - Friday (07:00 - 21:00) and Saturday: 09:00 - 14:00.
- our clinic in Cluj-Napoca (Str. Între Lacuri, nr. 1). Our schedule is: Monday - Friday (07:00 - 21:00) and Saturday: 09:00 - 14:00.
How much does an MRI cost?
Find here a list with all the prices of our clinic: ✅ Investigated areas and prices (we do not work with CASMB) are listed below:
- Spine MRI 1 region - 600 lei;
- Spine MRI 2 regions - 900 lei;
- Spine MRI 3 regions - 1250 lei;
- Hip / pelvis MRI - 800 lei;
- Knee MRI - 700 lei;
- Ankle MRI - 700 lei;
- Shoulder MRI - 700 lei;
- Elbow MRI - 700 lei;
- Thigh MRI - 700 lei;
- Calf MRI - 700 lei;
- Arm MRI - 700 lei;
- Forearm MRI - 700 lei;
- Sacroiliac joints MRI - 700 lei;
- Hand / wrist MRI - 700 lei;
- Sacrococcygeal MRI - 700 lei;
- Foot / forefoot MRI - 700 lei.
What services do you offer?
From diagnosis to complete recovery, at Centrokinetic you will find everything you need to solve your mobility problems: clinics with premium facilities, modern medical equipment, and above all, an excellent team of doctors and physiotherapists ready to put you in your optimal physical shape.
Details and appointments at 0319693 or on
Do you perform MRI on the head, pelvis/internal organs/abdomen, etc.?
We specialize in MRI investigations at the osteoarticular level (knee, spine, wrist, hand, elbow, foot, forefoot, hip, calf, ankle, shoulder, thigh, arm, forearm, coccyx), focusing on the health and well-being of the musculoskeletal system. We inform you that we do not perform MRI investigations for areas such as abdomen, pelvis, cardiac, breast, head, internal organs, etc. If you are interested in exploring aspects related to osteoarticular health, we are here to assist you.
How do I make an appointment?
For an appointment, please contact us at 0319693.
Do you perform CT (Computed Tomography)?
No, we only perform MRI and ultrasounds.
Do you perform X-rays?
No, we only perform MRI and ultrasounds.
Do you perform surgeries?
In our clinic we do not perform surgeries, but our doctors operate in Sanador, Medlife, Regina Maria, Ponderas, Gerota, Grigore Alexandrescu hospitals, etc.
Do you perform hospitalizations?
No, we are an outpatient clinic.
Do you provide home treatment?
No, only in our clinics in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, and Brasov. More information can be found here:
See here how you can make an appointment and the location of our clinics.