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Musculoskeletal evaluation of the child
Because any asymmetry at birth is prolonged in the first months of life, deviations from normal development must be corrected immediately before the baby gets used to it.
For a full-term baby, our therapists monitor the stages of musculoskeletal development from the first days of life and analyze each segment and joint of the body to determine any posture deficit.
The child may adopt a vicious position both in the intrauterine period, such as congenital torticollis or talus valgus, metatarsus adductus, and after birth, in the case of postural torticollis associated with twisted pelvic torsion.
After the age of 1, many children adopt deficient positions that can affect their muscle development and motor skills, balance, and/or body coordination. These wrong positions have multiple causes: genetic, congenital causes, hypotonia or muscle hypertrophy, joint or ligament hyperlaxity, and idiopathic causes, in the case of frontal plane deformities of the spine. What does a musculoskeletal assessment include?
The musculoskeletal evaluation will include medical history, a clinical examination, and, depending on the age of the child, some functional tests.
The clinical examination consists of observing the vicious positions of the ankles (flat foot, hollow foot), of the knees (valgus knee, varus knee, recurvatum knee, and flexum knee), pelvic asymmetries (anterior or retroverted pelvis, raised or lowered pelvis on the left side or right), shoulder asymmetries (shoulders raised or lowered on the right or left side, shoulders brought forward) but also pathological changes in the axis of the spine in the sagittal plane (kyphosis, lordosis) and frontal plane (scoliosis).
For a qualitative evaluation and an accurate diagnosis, our specialists use a computerized postural and plantar analysis, as well as a gait evaluation. These assessments address children aged between 4 and 18 years.
A musculoskeletal evaluation session lasts 30-40 minutes and is the basis of the recovery program, the pillar from which to start building an individual kinetic program, adapted to the needs of each child.
Also, the therapists will establish together with the parents the main objectives of the recovery program, the duration of the sessions, and an approximation of the period in which the child will do physical therapy.
The musculoskeletal evaluation of the child can be performed since the first day of life until 18 years old.
In the Specialized Pediatric Medical Recovery Department we are glad to have Ruxandra Tudosoiu in our team. She is overspecialized in Schroth therapy for the treatment of scoliosis, with 7 years of experience, fully involved in recovering patients. We have Sorina Micu, a physiotherapist passionate about working and interacting with children, overspecialized in Schroth therapy, which aims to prevent or recover from disabilities due to some conditions or injuries, Anne Iordanescu , physiotherapist specializing in pediatric rehabilitation and Ana Coman, with over 3 years of experience in this field.
The department covers an area of 100 sq. meters, has ultra-modern equipment and consists of a team of specialists. Besides our 4 physiotherapists, we enjoy the presence of doctors Orlando Marinescu and Tomescu Cezar, pediatric orthopedic doctors, but also of psychologists Elena Florea and Carmen Hotar, specialists who help us in diagnosing children, in developing treatments, psychological counseling of children and parents, speech therapy and social and family integration of all children.
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You can find here a detailed list of the prices of individual services. But any correct recovery process is based on a mixed plan of therapies and procedures, customized according to the condition, stage of the condition, patient profile, and other objective medical factors. As a result, in order to configure a treatment plan, with the therapies involved and the prices related to the plan, please make an appointment here for an initial consultation.

See here how you can make an appointment and the location of our clinics.