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READ MOREActualizat: 08-07-2022 / Publicat: 25-10-2021

Treatment of chronic wounds associated with arterial ulcer or venous
Centrokinetic has a dedicated vascular surgery department, coordinated by Mrs. Dr. Neagu Cristina, primary doctor of vascular surgery, specialized in diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases in arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels.
Venous conditions are among the most common widespread general condition and health disorders, studies performed internationally indicating a prevalence of ulcer leg (both venous and arterial) of about 1% in the total population and approx. 10% on the age segment of over 70 years.
Over 80% of ulcers are venous in nature, most being chronic or recurrent wounds. Improperly treated these lesions spread, significantly increasing the risk of infection in serious cases leading to incapacity for work or even amputation of the affected limb.
Venous ulcer is the most serious metabolic disorder - cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue, caused by venous insufficiency chronic (IVC).
Local venous ulcer therapy is based on proper treatment of the wound in each of the stages of evolution. During treatment, all factors that have an inhibitory effect on the healing process, such as infections, influences of associated conditions (eg diabetes, heart failure) and side effects of other treatments or negative psychosocial factors.
The reserved prognosis of venous ulcer is often related to prophylaxis and control of infections. In general, it starts from the idea of a bacterial colonization of the ulcer (a average concentration of germs in the wound). However, prophylactic disinfection of the ulcer, respectively local therapy with antibiotics (application of preparations containing antibiotics directly on the wound), is not indicated, especially due to inhibitory effect of many such substances on healing process, as well as because of the high risk for resistance reactions and allergies. On the other hand, in the case of some severe infections, as in the case of problematic ulcers, could systemic antibiotic therapy may be indicated.
The correct treatment of venous ulcer includes, depending on the phase, rigorous cleaning of the wound, stimulation of the granulation tissue (formation of new tissue) and epithelial tissue (closure plagiarism). If the patient's health a allows, should be pursued as far away as possible complete necrotic tissue and fibrin deposits, by surgical debridement. If debridement is not possible performed surgically, it is performed autolytically, based on hydroactive dressings, which "soften" the necrotic tissue devitalized and fibrinous tissue, allowing their removal.
A state-of-the-art therapy, available in Centrokinetic, is based on modern and hydroactive dressings. By their action, these dressings support natural healing processes, stimulating the formation of new tissue and scarring.
These dressings are known as modern or hydroactive dressings, which creates the optimal conditions to overcome the stagnant stage in which is the wound as a result of the existing imbalance in the level microcellular, supporting the healing process in each of its evolution phases (phase I - cleaning / exudative; phase II - of granulation and phase III - of epithelialization).
Due to the specific absorption mechanisms, the hydroactive dressings reduce microbial loading and achieve optimal control of the amount of exudate by absorbing excess secretions and maintaining a humid environment, necessary for the proliferation of new tissues.
The hydroactive treatment of venous ulcer is today a therapeutic standard, the effectiveness of the method being attested by numerous cases solved in our clinic.
Treatments with modern, hydroactive dressings are performed at Centrokinetic by Dr. Neagu Cristina, primary vascular surgeon.
Also, in the treatment of venous or arterial ulcers, a Hyperbaric oxygen therapy also plays an important role can also be performed at Centrokinetic.

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