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LumiHeal Technology

Article written by: CRISTINA NEAGU, MD, Vascular surgery doctor

Actualizat: 07-01-2024 / Publicat: 07-01-2024

tratamentul ranilor cu tehnologia LumiHeal

What is the LumiHeal system?

The LumiHeal system uses the principles of fluorescence biomodulation to manage affected and damaged skin by providing fluorescence at the cellular level to affect the three critical phases of healing: inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling.

This active wound care solution offers high response rates and ignites the onset of wound regression, while providing an excellent safety profile. LumiHeal offers an innovative, painless, non-invasive, and cost-effective alternative for managing chronic and acute wounds.

Despite the numerous traditional treatment options available, many patients do not respond and are subjected to significant discomfort and suffering while depleting the global healthcare resources of the medical system.

Innovative technology for wound care

LumiHeal is supported by strong scientific evidence, multiple clinical studies, and a CE mark in Europe for a variety of wound types, including chronic wounds. LumiHeal's unique mode of action, in which fluorescence is essential, brings much-needed innovations to the wound care space, especially considering the high costs of stalled and non-responsive wounds. The medical system seeks solutions that allow them to optimally treat hard-to-heal patients, reducing the burden on global healthcare systems.

Restoring patients' lives with LumiHeal

Upon LED activation, the light-absorbing molecule (LAM) gel generates fluorescence, which penetrates the skin at various depths to provide high response rates and ignite the rapid onset of wound regression, while providing an excellent safety profile. Patients and doctors report effectiveness, ease of use, and high levels of satisfaction compared to current care standards.

LumiHeal. Simple and Efficient.

LumiHeal is a quick and simple procedure that allows both doctors and nurses to treat patients in the hospital, clinic, and at home.

  • A thin layer of LAM gel is applied to the affected skin after debridement and/or cleaning of the wound
  • The LAM gel is illuminated by the LED activator for 5 minutes per application (the gel is not assimilated or metabolized)
  • After illumination, the LAM gel is removed, and the skin is cleaned.

Centrokinetic e locul in care vei gasi raspunsuri si solutii clare pentru problemele tale de motricitate. Clinica dedicata afectiunilor osteoarticulare e impartita in urmatoarele departamente specializate:

  • Ortopedie, departament compus dintr-o echipa de medici ortopezi extrem de experimentata, condusa de Dr. Andrei Ioan Bogdan, medic primar in ortopedie-traumatologie, cu activitate chirurgicala la  Spitalul de Ortopedie Medlife, specializat in traumatologia sportiva si in chirurgia gleznei si a piciorului.
  • Ortopedie pediatrica, unde sunt tratate afectiunile sportive ale copiilor (leziuni ligamentare si de menisc), deformarile coloanei (scolioza, cifoza, hiperlordoza) si cele ale picioarelor (hallux valgus, hallux rigidus, picior var equin, picior plat valg, picior cav).
  • Neurologie,  ce dispune de un departament ultraperformant, unde sunt efectuate consultatii, electroencefalograme (EEG)si electromiografii (EMG). 
  • Recuperare medicala pentru adulti si copii, departament specializat in recuperarea sportivilor de performanta, in afectiunile coloanei vertebrale, in recuperarea copiilor cu afectiuni neurologice si traumatice. Experienta noastra este extrem de bogata, tratand peste 5000 de sportivi de performanta.
  • Imagistica medicala, clinica fiind dotata cu ecograf si RMN, aparate performante dedicate afectiunilor musculoscheletale, si completata de o echipa experimentata de radiologi: Dr. Sorin Ghiea si Dr. Cosmin Pantu, specializati in imagistica musculo-scheletala.
  • Reumatologie, departament complet care se ocupa cu diagnosticarea, tratarea si recuperarea bolnavilor cu afectiuni nechirurgicale ale aparatului locomotor. 
  • Chirurgie vasculara, departament coordonat de doamna dr. Neagu Cristina, medic primar chirurgie vasculara, supraspecializata in diagnosticarea si tratamentul bolilor sangvine, adica a arterelor, venelor si a vaselor limfatice.

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