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Article written by: ANDREI BOGDAN, MD, Orthopedics-traumatology doctor

Actualizat: 28-06-2022 / Publicat: 04-02-2020

What are Zimmer physiotherapy devices?

Zimmer physiotherapy devices are devices that use certain physical factors to cure certain ailments. If you experience osteoarthritis, fractures, muscle injuries, or other conditions related to muscles or joints, contact our clinic's services.

Therapies that are based on physical methods such as light, heat, cold, sound, shock or current, are called physical therapies. These forms of therapy have long been used to treat pain, rehabilitation, support of the healing process, and prevention.

Each of the ZIMMER products is scientifically designed strictly and, at the same time, related to practice. Close cooperation with German universities and colleges has led to the development of this range of physiotherapy devices, as well as how the ZIMMER company constantly looks over the user's shoulders. Thus, for our patients, scientific studies and practical experience are added to daily treatments.

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What are Zimmer devices found in Centrokinetic?

Centrokinetic has the following ZIMMER physiotherapy devices:

Combine PhySys: the innovative device for electrostimulation, ultrasound therapy, and combination therapy. It offers all the features for successful treatments in a fantastic design.

Soleo Sono ultrasound machine: combines the classic possibilities of modern ultrasound therapy with the new SonoSwing process

Soleo Galva electrotherapy device: with a wide variety of current types of currents, special sports programs, and muscle rehabilitation, Soleo Galva offers a comprehensive range of treatments.

Combine SoleoStim: combined ultrasound and electrotherapy in one device. A subtle combination of high technology and over 45 years of experience, Soleo SonoStim meets all the requirements of modern physiotherapy: compact, ergonomic, high performance.

Cryo6 cryotherapy device: the latest generation cryotherapy system with cooled air for effective treatment of pain and reduction of swelling and relaxation of muscle tone. The system allows cryotherapy with precise placement and a constant dose of air at -30 degrees. The high power allows the rapid decrease of the skin's surface temperature, thus ensuring the desired effects of the treatment.

ThermoTk device: the therapy is based on the emission of a high-frequency current. It enters the tissue almost imperceptibly and is transformed into heat in the target tissue. Unlike direct or low-frequency currents, high-frequency currents have the ability to penetrate the surface layers of the skin without energy loss. Thus, energy is released only in the deeper tissue layers and transformed into heat. The effects of Tekar therapy are:

  • Decreases pain intensity immediately and permanently
  • Accelerates the healing process and shortens recovery time
  • The treatment is pleasant, without side effects, and can be repeated as many times as needed 

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    What conditions are treated with Zimmer equipment?

    Centrokinetic has extensive experience in physiotherapy and uses ZIMMER equipment in the treatment of the following diseases:

    • Radial and ulnar epicondylitis
    • Subacromial impingement syndrome
    • Piriformis syndrome
    • Achilles tendonitis
    • Patellar tendinitis
    • Elbow bursitis
    • arthrosis
    • Spondylarthrosis
    • Cervical or lumbar discopathy
    • Injuries to the rotating muscles of the shoulder
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • low back pain
    • Lombosciatica
    • Trochanteric bursitis
    • Pubalgia
    • Ankle sprain
    • Plantar fascia
    • Iliotibial tract syndrome
    • Myofascial treatment with trigger point
    • Fractures

    • Muscle injuries

    Centrokinetic Clinic has one of the most advanced recovery systems in Bucharest, with a team of physiotherapists with over 15 years of experience. Our medical team worked with countless performance athletes, helping them to return to the sport that consecrated them, being highly appreciated by the Romanian national rugby team, the CSA Steaua Bucharest rugby team, the athletes from Absoluto, but also by many others.


    See here how you can make an appointment and the location of our clinics.