Kristina Moldovan MD
Rehabilitation Physician
Schedule: Friday: 15:30 - 18:30.Professional Experience
- 01.08.1998 – 31.10.1998 - General Medicine Physician with authorization for private medical practice in general medicine, Cluj County Clinical Hospital;
- 01.11.1998 - 28.06.1999 - General Medicine Physician with authorization for private medical practice as a pediatric ward physician at the Gherla Municipal Hospital – urban medical dispensary no. I pediatrics;
- 29.06.1999 - 01.07.2009 - General Medicine Physician with authorization for private medical practice according to order no. 456/1995, then 141/2000, then 653/2001; Emergency Hospital for Children Cluj-Napoca - school medical dispensary XXI;
- 01.07.2009 - October 2013 - General Medicine Physician with authorization for private medical practice, competence in school medicine, PhD in medicine, master's degree in health management, law graduate according to order no. 653/2001 Cluj-Napoca local council, social assistance directorate, medical offices service - school medical dispensary XXI;
- October 2013 – Present (during the period 01 January 2016 - 31 December 2019 with part-time) specialist physician in general medicine, competence in school medicine, PhD in medicine, master's degree in health management, law graduate according to order no. 653/2001 and order mects/ms no. 5298/1668/2011 Cluj-Napoca local council, social assistance directorate, medical offices service - school medical dispensary XXI;
- 01.09.2014 - 09.02.2016 Self-employed Dr. Moldovan Kristina, concurrently with the base function Medical service provider for the Interservisan Medical-Surgical Center Cluj-Napoca, Responsibilities: shifts (consultations and treatments) at the Interservisan Medical-Surgical Center;
- 01.01 - 31.12.2019 resident doctor in recovery, physical medicine and balneology (base function) Cluj-Napoca Recovery Clinical Hospital.
- Specialist physician in recovery, physical medicine and balneology with collaboration contracts with the "St. Joseph" Medical Center and the Roneuro Institute
- Primary care physician with authorization for private medical practice in both specialties,
- PhD in medicine,
- Competence in school medicine,
- School medicine trainer,
- Master's degree in health management, law graduate,
- Vice-president of the specialty subcommittee for school medicine at the Ministry of Health – employed by the Cluj-Napoca local council, social and medical assistance directorate, medical offices service - school medical dispensary XXI Cluj-Napoca,
- Collaborating lecturer at UMF "Iuliu Hatieganu" for the courses aimed at obtaining the complementary studies certificate in school medicine.
Education and Training
- June 2021 primary care physician exam, family medicine Ministry of Health – Cluj-Napoca examination center, exam passed with an average grade of 10;
- June 2021 - primary care physician in family medicine;
- December 2018 - January 2019 - didactic qualification, September 2019 – obtaining the diploma of school medicine trainer (didactic qualification) National School of Public Health, Management and Professional Development in the Health Field - school medicine trainer course - graduated;
- Session 16 October - 22 November 2019 promotion with the highest grade of the session (the highest in writing 9.16 and along with a colleague, the highest average = 9.37) of the specialist doctor exam in recovery, physical medicine and balneology, the commission being chaired by Prof. Univ. Dr. Mihai Berteanu from UMF "Carol Davila" Bucharest;
- 01 January 2016 - 31 December 2019 confirmation order in residency of ms no.1489/02.12.2015 resident doctor in recovery, physical medicine and balneology – recovery, physical medicine and balneology module (01.01- 31.10.2016) UMF "I. Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca Recovery Clinical Hospital;
- 01 October 2008 – 30 September 2013 specialist physician in family medicine following the part-time residency and passing the specialist doctor exam module of family medicine, internal medicine, module of pediatrics, neurology, psychiatry, dermatology, infectious diseases, oncology, diabetes, surgery, gynecology, epidemiology/general medicine/family medicine certificate Cluj-Napoca training center, UMF "I. Hatieganu"
- 2007 – 2011 law degree: civil law, family law, constitutional law and political institutions, general criminal law and special criminal law, criminal procedural law, fiscal law, etc, analytical program of the law faculty Ecological University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law and Public Administration, law specialization;
- 2007 - 2008 master's degree in health management: strategic management, quality management, human resources management, public health, etc. Faculty of Medicine "V. Papilian", ULB Sibiu;
- 2000 - 2007 PhD in medicine physiology, pathophysiology, pediatrics UMF "I. Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca;
- 2003-2004 competence in school medicine, public health, epidemiology, medical statistics, psychology, nutrition and dietetics UMF "I. Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca;
- 01 - 24.06.2000 graduate of the advanced course "emergency medical assistance for cardiac and trauma patients" cardiology, ICU, emergency medicine Smurd Center – Emergency Hospital Tg. Mures / Dr. Cristian Boeriu, Dr. Raed Arafat;
- 1990 - 1996 general medicine degree anatomy, physiology, surgery, histology, internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, etc. analytical program of the general medicine faculty UMF "I. Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of General Medicine;
- 1983-1987 high school diploma, qualification certificate: chemical operator, biochemistry laboratory technician, microbiology laboratory technician studied profile chemistry-biology, internships at the Institute of Chemistry and at the chair of biology and microbiology of the faculty of biology within the current UBB Cluj-Napoca, the Natural Sciences High School (current "O. Ghibu") Cluj-Napoca.
Personal Skills and Competences
- Member of the Romanian College of Physicians, Cluj-Napoca branch;
- Founding member and Vice-president of the Society of Physicians from Children and Youth Communities, Society that received the First Prize for the most dynamic medical society at the Health Gala 2014;
- Member of the working group on school medicine at the level of the Ministry of Health following the appointment by Order of the MS no. 1410/21.11.2013;
- Vice-president of the Specialty Commission for School Medicine of the Ministry of Health, appointed by Ord. MS no. 369 from 22.03.2018;
- Editorial secretary – Journal of School and University Medicine (October 2014) External Expert of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC 2015-2022);
- Member of the Romanian Society of Medical Rehabilitation - can be verified at: Contact SRRM contact@srrm.ro;
- Member of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine – can be verified at: isprm@multiregistration.com;
- Member of the Romanian Association of Balneology;
- Member of the Romanian Society for Neurorehabilitation and the World Federation for NeuroRehabilitation.
Educational Activity
Lead for practical stages for French nursing students from Nancy (France) – 2010
Collaborating lecturer at UMF "Iuliu Hatieganu" for the courses aimed at obtaining the certificate of complementary studies in school medicine - 2023/2024.
Scientific Activity
A. Communicated Works
- “Surgical treatment of gastric adenocarcinoma“, Moldovan Kristina, Scientific Coordinator Professor Doctor Nicolae Turdeanu, Bachelor's thesis, UMF "I. Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca, 1996;
- “Quantification algorithm of hypocalcemic and hypomagnesemic tetany in school children” Moldovan Kristina, Scientific Coordinator Professor University Doctor Luminita Plesca-Manea, PhD thesis, UMF "I. Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca, 2007;
- “The medical office in school units and the quality of its services“ Moldovan Kristina, Scientific coordinator: Prof. univ. DHC eng. Constantin OPREAN, RECTOR of the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Assoc. Dr. Mihail Titu - "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Master's thesis, Sibiu, 2008;
- “Medical legislation – an essential condition in the activity of school medical offices” – Moldovan Kristina, National Symposium of School Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, 2010;
- “The quality of medical act in the school medical office” – Moldovan Kristina, National Symposium of School Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, 2010;
- “Medical practice protocols - a necessity in school medicine. case study - supervision of the food block” - Kristina Moldovan, National Congress of School and University Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, May 2011;
- “The network of school medicine in European countries”, Kristina Moldovan, National Congress of School and University Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, May 2011;
- “Oncological prevention in the school medical office”, Kristina Moldovan, The Third National Congress of School and University Medicine,Cluj-Napoca April 2012;
- “Referral slip with special regime – an indispensable tool in fulfilling the objectives of the school medicine network “, Kristina Moldovan, The Third National Congress of School and University Medicine, Cluj-Napoca April 2012;
- „Morgellons Disease” , Kristina Moldovan, The Fourth National Congress of School and University Medicine, Craiova April 11-12, 2013;
- „School Medicine. Current Issues and Perspectives” – Kristina Moldovan, The Fourth National Congress of School and University Medicine, Craiova April 11-12, 2013;
- „Legislative landmarks in school medical practice” – Kristina Moldovan , The Fifth National Congress of School and University Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, April 5-6, 2014;
- „Diamine oxidase deficiency”- Kristina Moldovan , The Sixth National Congress of School and University Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, May 9-10, 2015;
- „Management of transmissible disease cases in the school medical office” - Kristina Moldovan , The Sixth National Congress of School and University Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, May 9 - 10, 2015;
- „Rehabilitation of scoliosis” – Kristina Moldovan, Ioan Onac, Benedec Cristian Hans, Oanea Andreea Mihaela, Achim Lucia Raluca, The 39th National Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine with International Participation, Sibiu September 28 - October 1, 2016;
- „Informed consent in the thrombolysis protocol for acute ischemic stroke - necessity or safety measure – Kristina Moldovan – Master's thesis supervised by Head Lecturer Maria Aluas - presented on June 30, 2017, at the graduation of the Postgraduate Course in Health Law organized by the Faculty of Law – Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir Cluj-Napoca in June 2017.
B. Full-length published works:
- Usual phenotypic factors involved in the genesis of spasmophilia in schoolchildren, Moldovan Kristina, Pleşca-Manea Luminiţa, Journal of Economy and Health Administration, 2004, 36-38, (1-3), 139 - 146;
- Clinical and bio-humoral manifestations of spasmophilia in schoolchildren, Moldovan Kristina, Journal of Economy and Health Administration, 2005, 39-40 (1-2), 103-110;
- Monitoring spasmophilia in students aged 11-18 from the school medical dispensary No. XXI Cluj-Napoca, Moldovan Kristina, Medical Cluj, LXXIX, 3, 2006, 416-425;
- Useful legislation in school medical assistance, Moldovan Kristina, Journal of School and University Medicine, Vol.I, No. 1, Oct. 2014, pg. 44-45;
- Centralization of the school medical office activity. medical activity report, Moldovan Kristina, Journal of School and University Medicine, Vol.II, No. 3, July 2015, pg. 52-53;
- The quality of the medical act in school medical offices, Moldovan Kristina, Rajka Daniela, Tandau Felicia, Horea Popa, Journal of School and University Medicine, Vol.II, No. 4, October 2015, pg.5-22;
- School medicine and the right of children and young people to health, Moldovan Kristina, Daniela Rajka, Journal of School and University Medicine, Vol.III, No. 1, January 2016, pg.55-58;
- Scoliosis in children and adolescents, Moldovan Kristina, Journal of School and University Medicine, Vol.III, No. 2, April 2016, pg. 20-34.
C. Works published in abstract volume:
- “Hypocalcemic and hypomagnesemic spasmophilia in schoolchildren”, Moldovan Kristina, Miu N.
- “Trends and orientations in preventive medicine activity” – Jubilee Scientific Session of the “Iuliu Moldovan” Public Health Institute Cluj-Napoca, 12-13 October 2000, 24
D. Projects
Throughout my career, together with my colleagues - school doctors from Cluj-Napoca - I have developed a project "Optimizing primary pediatric medical assistance in schools and kindergartens" with which we won funding from the Soros Foundation. I am a founding member and secretary of the Society of Physicians from Children and Youth Collectivities, with which, on December 18, 2014, we won first place for the most dynamic medical society at the Health Gala. I participated in a brainstorming session on January 19, 2015, regarding the Prevention of communicable diseases in schools and other child care units, organized by ECDC in Stockholm, which laid the groundwork for a set of ECDC recommendations for children and youth communities, becoming since then an external expert of ECDC On February 18, 2016, at the request of the High Commissioner for Child Protection and Care at the Chancellor's Office of the Prime Minister, I participated in a working meeting regarding the optimization of school medical assistance.
Service | Rate (LEI) | Details |
New consultation (specialist physician) | 300 | |
Follow-up consultation (specialist physician) | 200 | |
Anti-inflammatory joint infiltrations | 300 | Details |
Joint infiltrations with vascoelastic solutions (hyaluronic acid) | 1200 | Details |
Therapies with high plasma platelet concentration | 2800 | Details |
Plasma additive solution with low concentration platelet | 1000 | Details |
Joint infiltrations with vascoelastic solutions (hyaluronic acid) Hymovis | 2200 | Details |
Joint infiltration Sanakin | 800 | Details |
Autologous serum infiltration | 300 | |
Therapies with Matrix plasma concentration | 1400 | Details |
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