Florin Sabou MD
Orthopedics-traumatology doctor
Schedule: Thursday: 14:30 - 16:30.Dr. Florin Sabou is primary physician in orthopedics and traumatology at the Centrokinetic Clinic in Brasov. He is recognized for his expertise in the treatment of orthopedic conditions, from sports accidents to chronic problems of the musculoskeletal system. Dr. Sabou uses advanced surgical techniques and minimally invasive approaches to ensure a quick and efficient recovery for his patients. He is appreciated for the dedication and attention with which he follows each case, ensuring that patients benefit from the best treatment options adapted to their specific needs.
Professional experience:
- Currently: Primary Orthopedic-Traumatologist, County Clinical Emergency Hospital Brasov, Orthopedics – Traumatology Clinical Department, University Assistant;
- June 2021: Passed the primary physician examination in Orthopedics – Traumatology;
- October 2014 Passed the specialist physician examination in Orthopedics-Traumatology;
- 1 Oct. 2012 - 31 Jan. 2015: Resident Physician Orthopedics – Traumatology County Clinical Emergency Hospital Brasov;
- 1 May 2011 - 30 Sept. 2012: Resident Physician Orthopedics – Traumatology, Mediclin Waldkrankenhaus BadDüben, Sachsen, Germany;
- 1 Jan. 2009 - 30 Apr. 2011: Resident Physician Orthopedics – Traumatology, County Clinical Emergency Hospital Brasov;
- 1 Oct. 2006 – 31 Mar 2007: Practical Internship KlinikumIngolstadt, Bayern, Germany.
Education and training:
- June 2014: Earned the title of Doctor of Medicine, Carol Davila UMF Bucharest with the thesis titled "Contribution to the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Heterotopic Ossifications", doctoral supervisor Prof. Univ. Dr. Panait Gheorghe;
- December 2013 - February 2014: Completed Arthroscopic Surgery courses, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest;
- 2002 – 2008: Medical Doctor Diploma, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Oradea;
- 1996 – 2001: Baccalaureate Diploma, “George Baritiu” Technical College Baia Mare.
Member of the Romanian College of Physicians, Member of the Romanian Society of Orthopedics-Traumatology, Member of the Romanian Society of Arthroscopy and Sports Traumatology, Member of the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Member of the Romanian Red Cross 2004-2008.
- Necula, R.D., Sabou, F.L.P., Turcu, A., Samota, I. - Femoral Component Breakage in Primary Reverse Hybrid Hip Replacement A Case Report Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov Series VI: Medical Sciences • Vol. 9 (58) No. 2 – 2016.
- Samota, I., Pascu, A., Necula, R., Ciurescu, D., Sabou, F. - A Retrospective Evaluation of the Surgical Treatment of Achilles Tendons Lesions, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov Series VI: Medical Sciences • Vol. 8 (57) No. 1 – 2015.
- Sabou, F.L.P., Necula, R.D., Pascu, A.M., Samota, I. - The Influence of Prosthesis Type and Surgical Approach in the Development of Heterotopic Ossifications – Clinical and Radiologic Evaluation after Hip Replacement., Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series VI: Medical Sciences • Vol. 8 (57) No. 2 – 2015
- Sabou FLP, Necula R, Samota I, Sabou A. - The presence of hydroxyapatite crystal in heterotopic ossifications analyzed by means of x-ray powder diffraction method. Romanian journal of biophysics 2013; 23(4):221-230.
- Sabou F, Necula R, Samota I, Sabou A. - Radiological incidence of asymptomatic heterotopic ossifications after hip replacement – The possible influence of femoral offset changes on heterotopic ossifications grade. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov 2013 - Series VI; 55(2):81-86.
- Sabou F, Necula R, Samota I. - Radiation therapy for prophylaxis of heterotopic ossification. Brasov Medical Journal 2013; 1:21-23.
- Sabou F, Samota I, Necula R, Samota T. - Incidence of heterotopic ossification after hip replacement – preliminary study. Brasov Medical Journal 2010; 4:55-57.
- R. Necula, I. Samota, I Száva, A. Kakucs, F. Sabou – Biological Nailing of Instabile Shaft Fracture. First International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (IC-ANMBES), Brasov, June 18-20, 2010, Proceedings of the Conference, Transilvania University of Brasov Publishing House, 2010. ISBN 978-973-598-722-0
- I. Samotã, R. Necula, F. Sabou, R. Vaidahazan, I. Szava, Alina Pascu - Modified bunnell suture in achilles tendon injuries, Archives of the Balkan Medical Union.vol 50, no. 2, pp. 242-245, June 2015.
- I. Samota, R. Necula, I Száva, F. Sabou Biomedical philosophy of open fracturestreatment. FirstInternational Conference on AnalyticalandNanoanalyticalMethods for Biomedical andEnvironmentalSciences (IC-ANMBES), Brasov, June 18-20, 2010 Proceedings of theConference, Transilvania University of Brasov Publishing House, 2010. ISBN 978-973-598-722-0
- R. Necula, I. Samota, F. SabouA clinicalstudy on intramedullaryfixationunderdifferentrigidityconditions. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov 2011 - Series VI; 53(4):91-96.
- R. Necula, I. Samota, J. Szava, B. Galfi, F. Sabou Video imagecorrelation experimental study of specific strains in elastic versus rigid internalfixation. Revista de ortopedie traumatologie 2010; 1(20):29-30.
- Burnariu A., Panait Gh., Samota I., Necula R., Sabou F. - Riscul de fractura pe fragilitate osoasa la persoanele avansate cronologic. Revista de ortopedie traumatologie 2010; 2(20):285-289
- C. Butum, I. Samota, R.Necula ,M. Pop ,A. Burnariu, F. Sabou - Leziunile osteocondrale ale domului astragalian. Revista de ortopedie traumatologie 2010; 1(20):80-81.
- Ad. Burnariu, I.Samota, R. Necula, C. Butum, F. Sabou - Osteosinteza cu placa in fracturile radiusului distal. Revista de ortopedie traumatologie 2010; 2(20):329-331.
- L. Taus, O. Otel, M. Pop, S. Ionascu, F. Sabou - Osteosinteza cu tija retrograda in fracturile femurului distal. Revista de Ortopedie Traumatologie 2010; 1(20):105-106.
- Burnariu A., Panait Gh., Samota I., Necula R., Butum C., Sabou F. - Fracturile de fragilitate osoasa pe osteoporoza ale epifizei distale de radius. REVISTA DE ORTOPEDIE TRAUMATOLOGIE 2010; 2(20):291-294.
Recovery in post-traumatic limb pathology: lecture notes. I Samota, FLP Sabou, T Peter. Transilvania University Publishing House, 2015.
Attended the National Orthopedics Conference in the years: 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020,2021,2023.
Service | Rate (LEI) | Details |
New consultation (primary physician) | 350 | |
Follow-up consultation (primary physician) | 200 | |
Wire ablation | 100 | |
Anti-inflammatory joint infiltrations | 300 | Details |
Joint infiltrations with vascoelastic solutions (hyaluronic acid) | 1200 | Details |
Therapies with high plasma platelet concentration | 2800 | Details |
Plasma additive solution with low concentration platelet | 1000 | Details |
Hyaluronic acid infiltrations (mini) | 600 | Details |
Joint infiltrations with vascoelastic solutions (hyaluronic acid) Hymovis | 2200 | Details |
Joint infiltration Sanakin | 800 | Details |
Autologous serum infiltration | 300 |
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