Orthopedics Surgeon
Schedule: Monday: 15:00 - 17:00.
Dr. Benea Horea is a highly experienced and qualified medical professional in the field of orthopedics and traumatology. As a Specialist Doctor in Orthopedics and Traumatology, he actively engages in diagnosing and treating patients, performing surgical procedures, and providing close patient care. Dr. Benea Horea is renowned for his research activities in the field of orthopedics and traumatology, as well as his interest in arthroscopic surgery, joint endoprosthesis, and minimally invasive surgery.
With a strong educational background, Dr. Benea Horea serves as an Associate Professor at the "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca, teaching Orthopedics Traumatology and Pediatric Orthopedics. Throughout his career, he has held various academic positions, contributing to the education of future orthopedic physicians.
With exceptional international training, including a European residency in France, Dr. Benea Horea is well-prepared to address various orthopedic and traumatological challenges. He is dedicated to continuous improvement and the advancement of medical practice, contributing to the enhancement of his patients' health.
Professional Experience
- 10/01/2022 – Present - Head of Orthopedics and Traumatology Department, Cluj-Napoca County Emergency Clinical Hospital
- 10/01/2020 – Present - Associate Professor, "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Orthopedics Traumatology and Pediatric Orthopedics Discipline.
- 10/01/2017 – 09/31/2020 - Lecturer, "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca
- 07/01/2017 – Present - Specialist Doctor in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Cluj-Napoca County Emergency Clinical Hospital. Responsibilities: Diagnosing and treating patients with acute or chronic musculoskeletal conditions, surgical interventions, inpatient care, outpatient consultations, and emergency consultations. Clinical and fundamental research activities in the field of orthopedics and traumatology, continuous improvement, and the development of medical practice. Priority areas of interest: arthroscopic surgery, joint endoprosthesis, minimally invasive surgery.
- 01/01/2012 – 06/30/2017 - Specialist Doctor in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Cluj-Napoca County Emergency Clinical Hospital.
- 01/01/2006 – 12/31/2011 - Medical Resident in Orthopedics and Traumatology, "O. Fodor" Clinical Hospital Cluj-Napoca
- 11/01/2010 – 10/31/2011 - European Residency (Internship), Pierre et Marie Curie University Paris VI, Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgery Department, Ambroise Paré Hospital, APH Paris.
- Theoretical and practical training in a specialized department on arthroscopic surgery (especially shoulder and knee), primary and revision endoprosthesis of major limb joints, percutaneous treatment of forefoot deformities, video-endoscopic technique in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, reparative surgery of severe osteo-articular septic lesions, with access to the most modern means of investigation and therapy in these fields.
- Intensive activity in the operating room (as a primary operator or assistant), trauma emergencies, clinical wards, and outpatient consultations. Scientific activity: clinical studies, information conferences, training courses.
- 10/01/2009 – 12/31/2009 - European Residency (Internship), Andrée ROSEMON Hospital, France
- 01/01/2005 – 12/31/2005 - Medical Intern, Cluj-Napoca County Emergency Clinical Hospital.
Education and Training
- 02/03/2020 - Language Competence Certificate – French Language, "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Modern Languages.
- 11/22/2018 - Language Competence Certificate – English Language, "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Modern Languages.
- 11/20-22/2017 - Theoretical and Practical Training in Hip Arthroplasty, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato Milanese, Milan, Italy. Minimally invasive anterior approach in total hip arthroplasty (Prof. F. Randelli).
- 10/01/2013 – 06/09/2017 - Doctor of Medicine - Series J No. 0028010, Ord. MEN No. 5561/04.12.2017, "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca National Classification - Class A. Thesis Title: "Modern Therapeutic Options for Repairing Articular Cartilage Lesions."
- 2016 - Specialist Doctor in Orthopedics and Traumatology
- 04/13-05/08/2015 - ESSKA-Zimmer Knee Replacement Fellowship, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy, University Hospital Policlinico Agostino Gemelli, Rome, Italy, Research and Training Internship in Knee Prostheses (Prof. G. Milano).
- 03/22-27/2015 - Entrepreneurial Skills, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Labor, CAMPP Foundation
- 2014 - Competence in Healthcare Services Management, Ministry of Health in Romania
- 11/24-25/2014 - Training for Clinical Use of PRP and Stem Cells, Institute of Regenerative Medicine of the Musculoskeletal System, Bordeaux-Merignac Sports Clinic, France. Clinical use of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), mesenchymal stem cells harvested from adipose tissue, regenerative medicine.
- 2012 - Competence in Arthroscopic Surgery, Ministry of Health in Romania. Arthroscopic surgery of major joints.
- 11/2010 – 06/2011 - Inter University Diploma Arthroscopy, Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University UFR de Médecine Paris Ile de France Ouest, France. Arthroscopic surgery of major joints, university research internship.
- 01/01/2006 – 12/31/2011 - Specialist Doctor in Orthopedics and Traumatology, Ministry of Health in Romania
- 04/14/2007 Bone Densitometry Certification IOF, International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), Romanian Osteoartrology Foundation
- 10/1998 – 09/2004 - Doctor of Medicine. "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Medicine, Ministry of Education and Research in Romania
Scientific Competences
Scientific research activities focused on the following topics:
- Autologous Biological Therapies for Cartilaginous Tissue Regeneration, Stem Cells, and Growth Factors
- Nanobiotechnologies Applicable to Bone Tissue Regeneration and Implant Osseointegration
- New Arthroscopic Surgical Approaches for Knee, Shoulder, and Ankle Conditions
- New Techniques in Hip, Knee, and Shoulder Prosthetics
Publications and Presentations
Author of over 50 extensively published works, including 22 ISI with IF, and over 50 oral or poster presentations at national/international scientific events, one book, and co-author of a book chapter, both published by international publishers (see the list of articles).
Research Projects/Clinical Studies
- “Training Stage in Total Hip Arthroplasty through the Anterior Approach at IRCCS Policlinico San Donato Milano, Italy.” PN-III-P1-1.1-MC-2017-1574. Researcher Mobility Project. Value: 1567.21 RON. Duration: Nov. 2018. Role: Project Director
- PN-II-RU-PRECISI-2014-8-4558. Awarding research results for the article: An original arthroscopic fixation of adult's tibial eminence fractures using the Tightrope® device: A report of 8 cases and review of literature. The Knee. 2014;21(1):833–839. Value: 2000 RON. UEFISCDI 2014. Role: Project Director
- “Feasibility Testing of the Use of Multipotent Stem Cells from Fluid Liposuction (LAF) for the Treatment of Focal Articular Cartilage Lesions, on an Animal Model.” Internal Grant for Teaching Staff, "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, 2016 competition, contract no. 4994/4/08.03.2016. Project Director
- PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI-2019-37834. Awarding research results for the article "Cannabinoids and bone regeneration." Drug Metabolism Reviews. 2019;51(1):65-75. Member.
- “Development of New Methods and Intelligent Composites Based on Advanced Nanotechnologies with Applications in the Medical Field – DONTAS.” National Grant PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0723. Period: 2012-2016. Role: Member.
- “Methods and Technologies Based on Molecular and Cellular Medicine Applied in the Surgery and Treatment of Bone Cancer, Bone Metastases, and Osteo-Articular Lesions - OSMOCEL.” CNMP Partnerships PN2 Grant, contract no. 41-050/2007, 2007-2010. Role: Member.
- “Nanostructures with Multifunctional Properties Obtained through Molecular and Colloidal Self-Assembly Methods of Biomedical Interest in Bone Cancer and Bone Metastases Surgery.” CNCSIS Type A Grant, contract no. 44GR/17.05.2006, 2006-2008. Role: Member.
- “Interfacial Nano Fabrication Strategies in the Research and Development of New Functional Nanomaterials and Flat Supramolecular Nanostructures for Nanotechnology and Nanodevices (NANOIN).” CEEX-MATNANTECH Grant No. 5/2005, 2005-2008. Role: Member.
- Clinical Study: "Evaluation of the Performance of the Agili-C Biphasic Implant in Repairing Cartilage and Osteochondral Defects." Study Protocol No. CLN0002. Period: 2013-2014. Sponsor: CartiHeal (2009) Ltd, Israel. Co-Investigator.
Postgraduate Courses Taught
- “Current Concepts in Pelvic Trauma Management,” "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca Orthopedic-Traumatology Clinic, April 2018, Collaborator
- “The Importance of Arthroscopy in Medical Practice,” "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca Orthopedic-Traumatology Clinic, February 2018, Collaborator
- “Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Shoulder, Knee, and Ankle Joints Examination,” "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca Orthopedic-Traumatology Clinic, April 2017, Collaborator
- “Practical Course in Arthroscopy of the Knee and Shoulder Joints,” "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca Orthopedic-Traumatology Clinic, February 2017, Collaborator
- “Practical Course in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Shoulder, Knee, and Ankle Joints Examination,” "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca Orthopedic-Traumatology Clinic, April 2016, Collaborator
- “Introduction to Arthroscopy of the Knee and Shoulder Joints,” "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca Orthopedic-Traumatology Clinic, February 2016, Collaborator
- “Clinical Examination Methodology of Patients with Musculoskeletal Disorders,” "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca Orthopedic-Traumatology Clinic, April 2015, Collaborator
- “Current Data in Pathology and Treatment of Bone Tumors,” "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca Orthopedic-Traumatology Clinic, February 2015, Collaborator
- “Methods of Immobilization in Osteo-Articular Trauma,” "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca Orthopedic-Traumatology Clinic, April 2014, Collaborator
- “The Role of Imaging Explorations in Osteo-Articular Pathology,” "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca Orthopedic-Traumatology Clinic, February 2014, Collaborator
- “Modern Methods of Imaging Exploration in Musculoskeletal Pathology,” "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca Orthopedic-Traumatology Clinic, February 2013, Collaborator
Invited Conference Presentations
- “Enhancement of Bone Consolidation Using Physical Therapy,” Book Launch Round Table: Physiotherapy. Applications in Dental Medicine. Days of "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Dec 11, 2020
- “Arthroscopically Assisted Internal Fixation of a Talar Fracture – Case Study,” SRATS Webinar, Nov 26-28, 2020
- “First-Time Patellar Dislocation – Conservative or Surgical Treatment?,” SRATS Webinar, Nov 26-28, 2020
- “Shoulder Arthroplasty in Posttraumatic Deformities.” SOROT Virtual Conference, Oct 7-8, 2020
- “Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty. Experience of the Al. Radulescu Orthopedic-Traumatology Clinic Cluj-Napoca,” Days of the Clinical Hospital of Recovery Iasi, Jun 29 – Jul 4, 2020
- “Orthopedic Surgical Therapeutic Challenges in Osteogenesis Imperfecta,” The 13th Symposium "Rare Diseases Day" - Diagnosis and Treatment in Some Rare Diseases in Children and Adults, Cluj-Napoca, Feb 27, 2020
- “Enhanced Implant Osseointegration by Tibolone, Alendronate and Simvastatin, in a Rat Model,” BIOREMED 2019, International Seminar on Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine, Romania, Craiova, Sep 26-28, 2019
- Techniques in TKA: “My First Experience with 7 Radii Knee,” Merril Academy Masters Course, India, Vapi, Gujarat, Oct 12-14, 2018
- “Treatment of Proximal Humerus Fractures,” National Orthopedics and Traumatology Conference, Sibiu, Romania, Oct 3-5, 2018
- “Interaction between Biomaterials and Autologous Biological Products and Their Application in Articular Cartilage Regenerative Therapies,” 8th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices” BIOMMEDD’2018, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Sep 27-29, 2018
- “Current Aspects in Knee Arthroplasty,” Transylvanian Conference for Family Physicians, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Sep 20-22, 2018
- “Biomechanics of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament,” 2nd SRATS Congress, Bucharest, Romania, Mar 21-23, 2018
- “Current Updates in Hip Replacement Technique,” Interferences in Rheumatology - Orthopedics, Cluj-Napoca, Mar 30-31, 2018
- “Revision Hip Arthroplasty Between Desires and Achievements,” Interferences in Rheumatology - Orthopedics, Cluj-Napoca, Mar 30-31, 2018
- “The Role of Autologous Biological Therapies in Osteoarticular Pathology,” Interferences in Rheumatology - Orthopedics, Cluj-Napoca, Mar 30-31, 2018
- “Preventing Knee Arthroplasty through Early Treatment of Articular Cartilage Defects Using Mesenchymal Stem Cells Obtained from Fluid Liposuction,” Annual Conference of Orthopedic and Traumatologists from Oltenia SOTO, Craiova, Nov 17-18, 2017
- “Arthroscopic Treatment Options in Shoulder Joint Conditions!,” in "A Segment: The Shoulder," 9th Interferences in Rheumatology Symposium, Cluj-Napoca, Mar 31 – Apr 1, 2017
- “Surgery Preparation,” in SOROT Consensus on the Treatment of Hip Fractures in 2016, National Orthopedics and Traumatology Conference, Oradea, Sep 28-30, 2016
- „Associated procedures: stability, malalignment and meniscus lessions”, in Cartilage lessions in ACL reconstruction, Primul Congres SRATS, Bucuresti, 31 Mar – 01 Apr 2016
Completed Courses
- Zimmer Biomet "Masterclass Primary & Complex Primary Knee," Timisoara, 5-6 September 2019
- Zimmer Biomet "Master Class Difficult Primary and Revision Knee," Bucharest, 18-19 October 2018
- Instructional Course "Direct Anterior Approach (DAA)," ICLO Teaching and Research Center San Francesco di Sales, Arezzo, Italy, 08-09 February 2018
- "Instructional Course TKA Primary and Revision," Stolzalpe, Austria, 11-13 October 2017
- Stryker GMRS Course "Total Joint Replacement in Oncology. The ways to improve the outcomes," Tel Aviv, Israel, 08-09 October 2017
- "The Triathlon Experience," Bucharest, 25-26 April 2017
- "Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy Workshop," Gross-Gerau, Germany, 16-17 February 2017
- "New Methodology for Implementing Internal/Managerial Control Standards," Cluj-Napoca, 17-18 November 2016
- "Exeter Hip Academy Level 2," Bucharest, 21-22 March 2016
- "Instructional Course Revision Knee," Bucharest, 21 October 2015
- "International Knee and Shoulder Course," Munich, Germany, 12-13 October 2015
- "ESSKA Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy Course," York, UK, 24-25 September 2015
- "Health Services Management," Cluj-Napoca, 03 October 2013-31 March 2014
- "Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery," Timisoara, 28 November - 02 December 2013
- "Arthrex Knee and Shoulder Course," Munich, Germany, 12-13 November 2013
- "AAOS – SOROT Education Program," Cluj-Napoca, 2-4 October 2013
- "Radioprotection, Level 2, in Interventional Radiology," approved by CNCAN, Cluj-Napoca County Emergency Clinical Hospital, 13-25 May 2013
- "Radioprotection in Diagnostic Radiology, Interventional Radiology, and Nuclear Medicine - Diagnostic," Cluj-Napoca, 21-31 March 2013
- "Current Developments in Osteo-Articular MRI," Alba-Iulia, 14-15 September 2012
- "Pelvic and Lower Limb Trauma," Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic Cluj-Napoca, 1-28 February 2012
- "How to Defend Against Malpractice?," Cluj-Napoca, 17-18 February 2012
- National Knee Arthroscopy Course SFA, knee module, IRCAD Strasbourg, France, 27-28 May 2011
- DIU Arthroscopy 2010-2011, Versailles Saint-Quentin–En–Yvelines University, France
- "Primary and Revision Hip Arthroplasty," Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic Cluj-Napoca, February 2010
- International AO Trauma Regional Course "Advances in Operative Fracture Treatment," organized by AO Foundation Education, Sinaia, Romania, June 22-25, 2009
- "Reconstructive Surgery and Prosthetic Options for Musculoskeletal Injuries," Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic Cluj-Napoca, February 2009
- International AO Trauma Regional Course "Principles of Operative Fracture Treatment," organized by AO Foundation Education, Poiana Brasov, Romania, August 05-08, 2008
- "Emergencies and Immobilization Options in Osteo-Articular Trauma," Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic Cluj-Napoca, February 2008
- SOROT Precongress Courses 2007, Targu Mures, October 15-21, 2007
- "The Third International Course on Hand Surgery and Therapy," Cluj-Napoca, September 20-22, 2007
- International Osteoporosis Course with DEXA Osteodensitometry Certification, IOF, Cluj-Napoca, April 11-14, 2007
- "Modern Fracture Treatment Based on AO Recommended Principles," Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic Cluj-Napoca, February 2007
- "The Third National Traumatology Course AIOD – Osteosynthesis in Femur and Tibia Fractures," Cluj-Napoca, October 25, 2006
- "Thromboembolic Disease – Clinical Implications and Therapeutic Approach," Cluj-Napoca, May 30, 2006
- "Current Treatment Approaches in Osteo-Articular Traumatology," Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic Cluj-Napoca, February 2006
- "Modern Principles of Therapeutic Approach in Osteo-Articular Traumatology," Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic Cluj-Napoca, February 2005
Event Organizer
- SOROT Virtual Conference, October 7-8, 2020
- Hands-on Course in Knee Arthroscopy Initiation, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, June 27-29, 2019
- Hands-on Course in Knee Arthroscopy Initiation, Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, November 16-17, 2018
- Workshop Symposium "Multidisciplinary Approach to Open Fracture Emergencies," UMF Cluj-Napoca Days, Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic Cluj-Napoca, December 06, 2017
- Workshop "Pelvic Ring Fractures, Acetabular Fractures, and Pelvic Fractures in Osteoporosis," held at the Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic Cluj-Napoca, May 17, 2017
- The 15th National Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology SOROT, Cluj-Napoca, October 2-4, 2013
- Coordinator of the "Health Education in Rural Areas" program, Cluj-Napoca Medical Students Organization, in 2001-2002
Awards and Distinctions
- 12/2020. Award for PRECISI 2014 Research Results, PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI -2020-44933, for the article: "Tibolone, alendronate, and simvastatin enhance implant osseointegration in a preclinical in vivo model." Clinical oral implants research 31 (7), 655-668, 2020
- 12/2020. Award for PRECISI 2014 Research Results, PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI -2020-51144, for the article: "Systemic drugs with impact on osteoarthritis." Drug metabolism reviews 51 (4), 498-523, 2020
- 12/2020. Award for PRECISI 2014 Research Results, PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI -2020-52702, for the article: "Clinical outcomes after arthroscopically assisted talus fracture fixation." International Orthopaedics, 1-7, 2021
- 12/2020. Award for PRECISI 2014 Research Results, PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI -2020-51054, for the article: "The influence of thyroid pathology on osteoporosis and fracture risk: A review." Diagnostics 10 (3), 149, 2020
- 12/2020. Award for PRECISI 2014 Research Results, PN-II-RU-PRECISI-2014-8-4558, for the article: "An original arthroscopic fixation of adults tibial eminence fractures using the Tightrope® device: A report of 8 cases and review of literature." The Knee. 2014;21(1):833–839
- 2019 – present. Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2019. Award for PRECISI 2019 Research Results, PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI-2019-37834 for the article: "Cannabinoids and bone regeneration." Drug Metabolism Reviews. 2019;51(1):65-75
- 12/2018. First Prize in the Poster Session, Surgical Disciplines, within the UMF "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca Days, for the work "The use of pulsed shortwave (Diapulse) facilitates in vivo bone consolidation." Authors: D. Oltean-Dan, B. Dogaru, D. Apostu, H. Benea, Gh. Tomoaia
- 12/2017. First Prize in the Poster Session, Surgical Disciplines, within the UMF "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca Days, for the work "Treatment of articular cartilage injuries using nanostructured biomaterial scaffolds and stem cells." Gh. Tomoaia, H. Benea, C. Bardas, D. Oltean-Dan.
- 12/2017. Third Prize in the Poster Session, Surgical Disciplines, within the UMF "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca Days, for the work "Experimental study on bone consolidation using physical and biological factors." Authors: D. Oltean, G. Dogaru, M. Paiusan, D. Paul, C. Bardas, H. Benea, MT. Cotisel, Gh. Tomoaia.
- 12/2012. First Prize in the Poster Session, Surgical Disciplines, within the UMF "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca Days, for the work "Pain evaluation after ACL ligamentoplasty: 'all-inside' vs. 'classical' technique." Authors: Benea H, Tomoaia G, d'Astorg H, Klouche S, Bauer T, Hardy P.
Participation in Events
- SRATS Webinar, Nov 26-28, 2020
- SOROT e-congress, Cluj-Napoca, Oct 7-8, 2020 (Vice-President)
- ESSKA Specialty Days, Madrid, Spain, Nov 8-9, 2019
- ESA Closed Meeting, Athens, Greece, Oct 26-27, 2018
- The 18th National SOROT Congress, Bucharest, Oct 16-18, 2019
- 20th EFORT Annual Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, June 05-07, 2019
- AAOS Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, USA, March 12-16, 2019
- 18th ESSKA Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, May 8-12, 2018
- The 2nd SRATS Congress, Bucharest, Romania, March 21-23, 2018
- WASET ICOR 2018, Miami, USA, March 12-13, 2018
- The 17th National SOROT Congress, Timisoara, Oct 18-21, 2017
- 18th EFORT Congress, Vienna, Austria, May 31 - June 02, 2017
- The 2nd Royal Club Congress - "Building Excellence Together," Bucharest, Oct 14-15, 2016
- International Conference "Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Medical Devices," Constanta, Sep 15-17, 2016
- OTM Congress, Cluj-Napoca, Sep 8-10, 2016
- Interdisciplinary Dialogues OTM, Cluj-Napoca, Mar 26, 2016
- Precongress Symposium SOROT "Knee Revision Arthroplasty," Bucharest, Oct 20, 2015
- Research Results Promotion Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Jul 24, 2015
- Workshop "New Treatment Options for Articular and Metaphyseal Fractures with Locked Nails and Stable Angular Plates. Experience from Germany and Romania," Cluj-Napoca, June 12-13, 2015
- 16th ESSKA Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 14-17, 2014
- ATOM Conference, Sucevita, May 29-31, 2014
- Symposium "Ten for Movement," Oradea, Oct 19-20, 2013
- 9th Biennial ISAKOS Congress, Toronto, Canada, May 12-16, 2013
- National SOROT Conference, Craiova, Oct 10-13, 2012
- 15th ESSKA Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2-5, 2012
- SFA French Arthroscopy Society Congress, Paris, Dec 8-10, 2011
- National SOROT Congress, Timisoara, Oct 19-21, 2011
- 85th Annual SOFCOT Meeting, Paris, France, Nov 08-12, 2010
- National SOROT Conference, Cheile Gradistii, Brasov, Oct 07-08, 2010
- Symposium "A New Level of Safety in Chronic Lower Back Pain Therapy," Cluj-Napoca, Jun 04, 2009
- Symposium "Pain and Atherosclerosis: Two Problems, Two Solutions," Cluj-Napoca, May 12, 2009
- Symposium "Investing in the Future of Patients" organized by Ortoprofil, Sambata de Sus, May 15-17, 2008
- Conference "SOTO - Modern Techniques of Osteosynthesis and Hip Replacement. Upper Femoral Extremity Fractures. Primary Hip Arthroplasty," organized in Calimanesti-Caciulata, Nov 07-09, 2008
- 82nd Annual SOFCOT Meeting, Paris, France, Nov 05-08, 2007
- "Bone Biomechanics. LCP Principles and Solutions in Periprosthetic Fractures," Cluj-Napoca, Jun 12, 2007
- The 5th Conference of the Romanian Osteoarthrology Foundation OsArt, Cluj-Napoca, Apr 11-14, 2007
- University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca Days, between 2006-2017
- National Conferences of the Romanian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology SOROT, between 2006-2019
- Symposium "Minimally Invasive Osteosynthesis - AO Standards," Cluj-Napoca, Oct 26, 2006
- The 13th ATOM Conference, Focsani, Romania, May 25-27, 2006
- The 7th European Trauma Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 14-17, 2006
- Symposium "Effectiveness - the Primary Objective in the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Diseases" organized by the Romanian Society of Rheumatology, Cluj-Napoca, Mar 30, 2006
- Symposium "LCP-Locking Compression Plate System" organized by "SYNTHES" - Switzerland, Cluj-Napoca, Feb 2005
- Clinical Training Internship at Banha Hospital, Egypt, during Feb 01-29, 2004 (Erasmus student exchange).
- ESSKA – European Society of Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (Member)
- ESA – European Shoulder Associates (within ESSKA) – Member of the Communication Group
- SRATS – Romanian Society of Arthroscopy and Sports Traumatology (Member of the General Assembly of the Association)
- SOROT - Romanian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (Member of the Scientific Committee)
- SRB – Romanian Society of Biomaterials (Member)
- College of Physicians of Romania (Member)
Service | Rate (LEI) | Details |
New consultation (primary physician) | 350 | |
Follow-up consultation (primary physician) | 200 | |
Wire ablation | 100 | |
Anti-inflammatory joint infiltrations | 300 | Details |
Joint infiltrations with vascoelastic solutions (hyaluronic acid) | 1200 | Details |
Therapies with high plasma platelet concentration | 2800 | Details |
Plasma additive solution with low concentration platelet | 1000 | Details |
Hyaluronic acid infiltrations (mini) | 600 | Details |
Joint infiltrations with vascoelastic solutions (hyaluronic acid) Hymovis | 2200 | Details |
Joint infiltration Sanakin | 800 | Details |
Autologous serum infiltration | 300 |
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