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Anamaria Marian MD

Schedule: Tuesday: 18:00-21:00; Thrusday: 9:00-12:00.

Professional Experience

  • 01/05/2022 – 15/01/2024 Resident Doctor in Rheumatology, Cluj County Emergency Clinical Hospital;
  • 01/11/2021 – 30/04/2022 Resident Doctor in Rheumatology, University Hospital Saint-Antoine ap-hp Paris, Sorbonne University, France;
  • 01/05/2021 – 31/10/2021 Resident Doctor in Rheumatology, University Hospital Cochin ap-hp Paris, Paris Descartes University, France;
  • 01/01/2019 – 30/04/2021 Resident Doctor in Rheumatology, Cluj County Emergency Clinical Hospital.

Education and Professional Training

  • 09/06/2023 – 11/06/2024 - 31st EULAR Sonography Course | MSUS Basic 2024, The European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology, Vienna, Austria;
  • 25/01/2024 – Ongoing – Rheumatology Specialist, Cluj-Napoca;
  • 10/2020 – 05/10/2023 - EULAR Certificate of Completion - 15th EULAR Online Course on Rheumatic Diseases, The European;
  • 10/2022 – 05/06/2023 - EULAR Certificate of Completion - 11th EULAR Online Introductory Ultrasound Course, The European;
  • 17/07/2017 – 15/09/2017 Erasmus Internship in the Department of Internal Medicine and Rare Vascular Diseases at University Hospital Angers, University of Angers;
  • 2012 – 2018 Medical Doctor, "Iuliu Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca;
  • 2008 – 2012 Baccalaureate Diploma, Apulum Technical College, Mathematics-Informatics Profile.


  • Conference Paper - Oral Presentation (The Day of The Rare Diseases 2020) Marian A, Gutiu R, Bilous D, Fodor D. A rare case of Schnitzler’s syndrome without a monoclonal gammopathy. Med Pharm Rep. 2020 Feb; 93(Suppl No 1): S1– S29
  • Conference Paper - Oral Presentation (The Day of the Rare Diseases 2020) Gutiu R, Marian A, Bilous D, Fodor D. IgG4 Related Disease - A Rare Entity with Multiple Shapes. Med Pharm Rep. 2020 Feb; 93 (Suppl No 1): S1–S29
  • Article Fodor D, Rodriguez-Garcia SC, Cantisani V, Hammer HB, Hartung W, Klauser A, Martinoli C, Terslev L, Alfageme F, Bong D, Bueno A, Collado P, D'Agostino MA, de la Fuente J, Iohom G, Kessler J, Lenghel M, Malattia C, Mandl P, Mendoza-Cembranos D, Micu M, Möller I, Najm A, Özçakar L, Picasso R, Plagou A, Sala-Blanch X, Sconfienza LM, Serban O, Simoni P, Sudoł-Szopińska I, Tesch C, Todorov P, Uson J, Vlad V, Zaottini F, Bilous D, Gutiu R, Pelea M, Marian A, Naredo E. The EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Part I: Extraarticular Pathologies. Ultraschall Med. 2022 Feb;43(1):34-57. English. doi: 10.1055/a-1562-1455. Epub 2021 Sep 3. PMID: 34479372
  • Article Naredo E, Rodriguez-Garcia SC, Terslev L, Martinoli C, Klauser A, Hartung W, Hammer HB, Cantisani V, Zaottini F, Vlad V, Uson J, Todorov P, Tesch C, Sudoł-Szopińska I, Simoni P, Sconfienza LM, Sala-Blanch X, Plagou A, Picasso R, Özçakar L, Najm A, Möller I, Micu M, Mendoza-Cembranos D, Mandl P, Malattia C, Lenghel M, Kessler J, Iohom G, de la Fuente J, DʼAgostino MA, Collado P, Bueno A, Bong D, Alfageme F, Bilous D, Gutiu R, Marian A, Pelea M, Fodor D. The EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Part II: Joint Pathologies, Pediatric Applications, and Guided Procedures. Ultraschall Med. 2022 Jun;43(3):252-273. English. doi: 10.1055/a-1640-9183. Epub 2021 Nov 3. PMID: 34734404
  • Conference Paper - Poster Presentation (Romanian Congress of Rheumatology 2022) Marian A, Balan B, Groza I, Mustatea F, Predoiu A, Fazakas A, Cirstoniu M, Candrea E, Pocol C, Filipescu I, Pamfil C, Rednic S. Tuberculous Spondylodsicitis or Pott’s Disease – Difficulties of Diagnosis; Ro J Rheumatol. 2022; 31 (suppl 1).
  • Conference Paper - Poster Presentation (Romanian Congress of Rheumatology 2022) Marian A, Rosca R, Balan B, Mustatea F, Boleto G, Frantz C, Allanore Y – Polyostotic Paget’s Disease with Severe Bilateral Coxopathy. 2022; 31 (suppl 1).
  • Conference Paper – Poster Presentation (ReConnect Congress, Brussels 2023) PO12:101 Body Composition and Malnutrition - A Pilot Study on Systemic Sclerosis R. Rosca, I.E. Szabo, I. Cozma, A.D. Bilous, A. Marian, G.A. Stoica, D.A.M. Vaida-Voevod, C. Pamfil, L.M. Muntean, L.O. Damian, I. Felea, M.M. Tamas, I. Filipescu, S.P. Simon, D. Fodor, S. Rednic
  • Article Resteu OM, Muntean L, Vaida-Voevod DA, Marian A et al AB0819 Clinical and Immunological Profiles of Patients with Anti-Synthetase Syndrome: A Retrospective Cohort Study from a Tertiary Centre. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2023;82:1622-1623.
  • Article Marian A, Tamas MM, Muntean L, et al AB1309 Clinical Characteristics of New-Onset Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection or Vaccination – Analysis of a Case Series. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2023;82:1883.

Conferences and Seminars

  • European Congress of Rheumatology (Vienna, Austria, 12-15 June 2024)
  • 1st International VEXAS Workshop (Paris, France, 23-24 May 2024)
  • e-Masterclass on Systemic Sclerosis Interstitial Lung Disease (online, 04/2024)
  • Foot and Ankle Pathology Conference (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 04/2024)
  • National Symposium - Interferences in Rheumatology (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 03/2024)
  • European Congress of Rheumatology (Milan, Italy, 06/2023)

BMS Unrestricted Educational Grant for participation Accepted abstracts:

  • AB0819 Clinical and immunological profiles of patients with anti-synthetase syndrome: a retrospective cohort study from a tertiary centre
  • AB1309 Clinical characteristics of new-onset idiopathic inflammatory myopathies following sars-cov-2 infection or vaccination – analysis of a case series
  • Black Sea Rheumatology (Cluj- Napoca, Romania, 05/2023)
    • Poster presentation: The other side of cancer immunotherapy - Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Inflammatory Arthritis and Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy
  • Online seminar - Carousel of Cases (Romanian Society of Rheumatology, 04/2023)
    • Clinical case presentation: The other side of immunotherapy - Arthritis induced by immune checkpoint inhibitors
  • National Symposium - Interferences in Rheumatology (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 03/2023)
  • Symposium - Current data from the Romanian registry of rheumatic diseases (Poiana Brasov, Romania, 03/2023)
  • Romanian Congress of Rheumatology (Sibiu, Romania, 09/2022)
    • Poster Presentation: Tuberculous Spondylodiscitis or Pott’s Disease – Difficulties of diagnosis
    • Poster Presentation: Polyostotic Paget’s Disease with severe bilateral coxopathy
  • Rheumatology Summer School for Young Rheumatologists (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 07/2022)
    • Oral presentation - What I have learned from EULAR 2023? Pregnancy counselling in RA
  • European Congress of Rheumatology (Copenhagen, Denmark, 06/2022)
    • Participation grant from the Romanian Society of Rheumatology
  • French Congress of Rheumatology (Paris, France, 12/2021)
  • Romanian Congress of Rheumatology (10/2020, online participation)
  • American College of Rheumatology Convergence Congress (11/2020, online participation)
  • Rheumatology Autumn School for Young Rheumatologists (Sibiu, Romania, 09/2020)
  • Symposium - The rare disease day (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 02/2020)
    • Oral presentation - A rare case of Schnitzler's Syndrome without a monoclonal gammapathy
    • Oral presentation - IgG4 related disease - a rare entity with multiple shapes
  • Romanian Congress of Rheumatology (Poiana Brasov, Romania, 10/2019)
  • Symposium - World Lupus Day (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 05/2019)
    • Oral presentation for patients - Vitamin D and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
    • Creation of a brochure containing information about Vitamin D and Lupus for patients
  • National Symposium - Interferences in Rheumatology (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 03/2019)

Distinctions, Honorary Titles, and Awards

  • First prize at EULAR-EMEUNET Rheumatology Quiz (EULAR Congress, Milan, Italy, 06/2023) – EULAR-EMEUNET
  • Participation grant for the 13th EULAR Ultrasound Course in Rheumatology (Vienna, Austria, 8 June 2024)
  • EULAR Textbook on Systemic Sclerosis and EULAR Textbook on Paediatric Rheumatology
  • Best poster presentation awardee (Romanian Congress of Rheumatology, Sibiu, Romania, 09/2022) – Romanian Society of Rheumatology
    • For poster: Tuberculous Spondylodsicitis or Pott’s Disease – Difficulties of diagnosis



Rate (LEI)


New consultation (specialist physician)


Follow-up consultation (specialist physician)


Eco-guided anti-inflammatory infiltration



Hyaluronic acid eco-guided infiltrations



Hyaluronic acid eco-guided infiltrations (mini)



Eco-guided high platelet plasma concentrations



Eco-guided plasma additive therapies with low concentration platelet



Eco-guided joint infiltration Sanakin



Eco-guided autologous serum infiltration


Eco-guided therapy with Matrix plasma concentration





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