Laura Popescu MD
Pediatric Neurologist
Schedule: Wednesday: 18:00 – 20:00.Dr. Laura Popescu, specialist physician in pediatric neurology at Centrokinetic Brasov, stands out for her exceptional attention to the needs and sensitivities of children. Dr. Popescu creates a trustworthy and comfortable environment during treatment. She closely collaborates with other physicians from various specialties within Centrokinetic Clinic, ensuring that each child benefits from the best available treatment.
Professional experience:
- 10.2003 – present, Primary Doctor in Pediatric Neurology, Emergency Clinical Hospital for Children, Brasov.
Responsibilities: Head of department since 2014, Certified in Health Services Management since 2014, PhD in Medical Sciences since 2011, EEG Competence since 2004. Advanced courses in the country and abroad. Interest in Epilepsy and Neuromuscular Diseases.
Achievements: In 2021, sponsorships were obtained for the opening and equipping with physio-magnetotherapy equipment of a neuromotor rehabilitation complex in outpatient care, so necessary for diversifying the recovery services for neurological patients and also from other departments of the hospital. - 09.2013 - 02.2014: Lucian Blaga University, Medicine, Sibiu - Certified in Health Services Management
- 10.2008 - 10.2008: Cluj City Hall, Specialization: Medicine, Primary Doctor in Pediatric Neurology with an average grade of 9.83
- 07.2006 - 07.2011: University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hatieganu", Specialization: Medicine. Details: PhD in Medical Sciences with the grade -Very Good. "Neurophysiological aspects of sleep and therapy in Epileptic and Epileptiform Encephalopathies"- scientific advisor
- 01.1998 - 06.2003: Residency across the country, Bucharest. Details: Specialist Doctor in Pediatric Neurology with an average grade of 9.62
- 10.1990 - 07.1996: University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr. T. Popa, Specialization: Medicine, Iasi.
Other courses, training (Courses, Conferences, Seminars, Affiliations, References)
- SNPR Conference 2023;
- SRIE Summer School Sinaia 2023;
- Webinar on Metabolic Diseases Cluj 2023;
- The XXXth SRIE Conference 21-23 November 2022, Bucharest;
- The XXth National Virtual Congress of the Neurology Society of Romania, Bucharest, On-line, 14-18.11.2022;
- The XXIIth SNPCAR Congress and the XXth National Conference on Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry and Associated Professions of Romania with international participation 22-24 September 2022;
- Epilepsy Summer School, 1-3 September 2022, Slanic-PH;
- Journal Club- Epilepsies with extratemporal localization- basic imaging concepts;
- Pediatric multiple sclerosis, On-line (April 6, May 12, June 23, 2022);
- EPNS Webinar: Arterial Ischaemic Stroke in Childhood, On-line, Prof Maja Steinlin, April 13, 2022;
- Journal Club Basic imaging concepts, March 24, 2022, Zoom;
- EPNS Journal Club - Safety of Early Discontinuation Medication After Acute Symptomatic Neonatal Seizures, On-line, March 23, 2022 Senior Chair: Prof Lieven Lagae;
- Journal Club CNS Anatomy- Imaging correlations (basic level), February 24, 2022, Zoom;
- Journal Club Semiology of insular cortex epilepsy, February 17, Zoom;
- Webinar- Stanford University the 2nd Annual Continuing Medical Education Conference on Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Best practices for SMA in the evolving therapeutic era: Advantages & Challenges of multidisciplinary care December 3-4, 2020;
- Certificate of participation EPNS: Status epilepticus in children on-line January 13, 2021;
- Zoom December 11, 2020 17:00-19:00 National Epilepsy Surgery Board;
- Webinar - Multidisciplinary management of patients with spinal muscular atrophy December 4 - 5, 2020;
- Webinar- Stanford University the 2nd Annual Continuing Medical Education Conference on Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Best practices for SMA in the evolving therapeutic era: Advantages & Challenges of multidisciplinary care December 3 - 4, 2020;
- Webinar- The XXVIIIth National Conference of SRIE November 5-7, 2020, November 4 - 7, 2020;
- Pre-conference course on basic EEG concepts and Epileptology-basic concepts November 4, 2020, on-line;
- Webinar:” A new chance for a better life for those living with epilepsy” September 23, 2020;
- Webinar 3 AMS 2020, July 29, 2020;
- Webinar IPSEN Spasticity: Dr Esquenazi about the burden of recurrent symptoms June 23.06.2020;
- Webinar 2 AMS 2020, July 22;
- Webinar AMS 1, July 16, 2020;
- Resistant Epilepsies Masterclass-M2, Bucharest, November 2, 2019;
- Epilepsy Summer School, Sucevita, July 11-13.2019;
- Course “Efficiency in the paraclinical diagnosis of obstetric, gynecological, and pediatric pathology”, Faculty of Medicine Brasov September 16 - 17.2019;
- Post-conference course “How to investigate an epilepsy case”, Bucharest, November 17, 2017;
- Pre-conference course ‘Epilepsy through clinical cases” Bucharest, November 14, 2017;
- Pre-conference course, The XXVI SRIE Conference, Course –epilepsy treatment-practical notions”, Bucharest, November 17, 2016;
- Pre-congress course of Neurology –Psychiatry of the Child and Adolescent and associated professions: 1. Modern therapeutic approaches in psychiatric pathology; 2. Seizures and epilepsies in the 0-3 years period. Clinical and EEG diagnosis; 3 Neuromotor recovery of the child 0-3 years, Sovata, September 21 - 24, 2016;
- Pre-conference course; The First Conference on Drug-resistant Epilepsy, Bucharest, April 23-25, 2015;
- Dravet syndrome, diagnosis and treatment, Bucharest, March 23 - 25, 2015;
- EPNS2014 Research Course, Bucharest, September 12 - 13, 2014;
- Eastern European Epilepsy Course, Cheile Gradistei, July 11 - 13.2014;
- Courses from the Summer School at San Servolo, 2012 chaired by Vigevano and Plouine;
- “EPNS 2011 Training Course on Neuromuscular Disorders, 2011(Cheile Gradistei) chaired by Richard Newton;
- “EPNS 2011 Training Course on Perinatal Neurology, 2011 (Cheile Gradistei) chaired by Richard Newton;
- TREAT-NMD Training „Standards of care in the management of people with DMD”, Bucharest, March 18.03.2011, conf Dr Dana Craiu and Thomas Sejersen;
- „Updates in clinical diagnosis and treatment methodology for infants and young children; Epilepsy in young infants; Specific intervention techniques in neurological diseases in infants and young children”, Tg Mures, September 25.09.2010;
- “EPNS 2010 Training Course on Epilepsy”, 2010 (Cheile Gradistei) chaired by Dr Hellen Cross and Prof Dr A Arzimanoglou;
- “EPNS 2010 Training Course on Central Motor Functional Disorders”, 2010 (Cheile Gradistei) chaired by Dr Florian Heinen and Prof Dr Antigone Papavassilliou;
- “EPNS Training Course Neurogenetics”- Cheile Gradistei during June 27-28.06.2009, guest course director– Dr Raoul Hennekam
- “EPNS Training Course Neuroimaging”- Cheile Gradistei during June 25-26.06.2009, guest course directors- Dr Linda Meiners.
- EUREPA TEACHING SESSION “Epilepsy beyond darkness. New perspectives in improving the quality of life for people with epilepsy”: November 8-10.11.2006, Brasov, with guests Walter van Emde Boas.
- EUREPA TEACHING SESSION: National training workshop:“Updates in child epilepsy” organized at Neptun pre-congress course on September 20.09.2006
- EUREPA TEACHING SESSION: Workshop with international participation (Prof.Dr.Sergiusz Joswiak - Poland) “New aspects of diagnosis and treatment in pediatric neurology”, in Bucharest on March 11.03.2006.
- EUREPA TEACHING SESSION: „ DIAGNOSTIC ISSUE 2- IS IT A PARTIAL OR A GENERALIZED SEIZURE?” Chaired by Vladimir Komarek (Czech Republic), 1 day, Paris August 30.08.2005 (EUREPA=European Epilepsy Academy) Pre-congress course
- EUREPA TEACHING SESSION: „ DIAGNOSTIC ISSUE 1- IS IT EPILEPSY?”Chaired by Alla Guerkht (Russia), 1 day, Paris August 29.08.2005 Pre-congress course
- Bucharest, May 17.05.2005, 1 day, Pre-congress course Prof. Dr. Bajenaru, Prof Dr. Margineanu
- EUREPA TEACHING SESSION: „ NEW ASPECTS IN THE CLINICAL AND ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS OF EPILEPSY”, at Al Obregia Hospital, coordinator Walter van Emde Boas M.D., Ph.D, EEG and epilepsy monitoring department, The Netherlands, November 13-16.11.2004, Bucharest
- „EPI-EXPERT FUNDAMENTAL CLINICAL ASPECTS OF EPILEPSY”-Bucharest, November 9.11.2004, 1 day, Pre-congress course Prof. Dr. Bajenaru, Prof Dr. Margineanu
- „MOVEMENT DISORDERS”, Poiana Brasov, Prof. Eduardo Tolosa, April 1-03.04.2004, 3 days.
- „Pediatric EEG elements”, Bucharest, Prof. Al. Obregia Hospital, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Craiu D, 2002, 1 week.
- „EEG, EMG and cortical evoked potentials, Bucharest, Colentina Hospital, Prof. Serbanescu Al, certificate no. 680/6.11.2001, March 1-30.03.2001, 4 weeks.
- „EEG, EMG and evoked potentials”, Bucharest, Central Military Hospital, Prof. Dumitru C-tin, certificate no. 3589/5.11.2001, November 9-30.11.2000, 3 weeks.
- „Paroxysmal non-epileptic manifestations in children”, Bucharest, „Prof Al. Obregia” Hospital, Prof. Magureanu S., certificate no. 1836/5.12.2001, October 20-26.10.2001, 1 week.
- „Introduction to diagnosis and therapy according to Vojta”, Sibiu, „Dr. Gh. Preda” University Hospital of Psychiatry, speakers from Germany: Dr. Bauer H, physiotherapist Schikorra W., July 9-13.07.2001, 1 week.
- „Updates in epilepsy”, Bucharest, „Prof Al. Obregia” Hospital, Prof. Magureanu S. certificate no. 2919/5.11.2001, May 12-26.05.2000, 2 weeks.
- „Stress in human adaptation and pathology”, Bucharest, Prof. Ionescu, certificate no. 56280/26.06.1998, June 22-26.06.1998, 5 days.
Symposiums/workshops with international participation:
- The XXXth SRIE Conference 21-23 November 2022, Bucharest The XXth National Virtual Congress of the Romanian Society of Neurology, Bucharest, On-line, 14-18.11.2022 The XXIIth SNPCAR Congress and the XXth National Conference on Neurology and Psychiatry of the Child and Adolescent and Associated Professions in Romania with international participation 22-24 September 2022 Epilepsy Summer School, 1-3 September 2022, Slanic-PH Journal Club- Epilepsies with extratemporal localization- basic imaging notions Pediatric multiple sclerosis, On-line (April 6, May 12, June 23, 2022) EPNS Webinar: Arterial Ischaemic Stroke in Childhood, On-line, Prof Maja Steinlin, April 13, 2022 EPNS Journal Club - Safety of Early Discontinuation Medication After Acute Symptomatic Neonatal Seizures, On-line, March 23, 2022 Senior Chair: Prof Lieven Lagae WEBINAR EPNS January 13, 2021 –Status epilepticus in children. Online case presentation meeting
- Webinar- Stanford University the 2nd Annual Continuing Medical Education Conference on Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Best practices for SMA in the evolving therapeutic era: Advantages & Challenges of multidisciplinary care December 3-4, 2020 Webinar-Conference SRIE, Edition XXVIII, 4-7 Nov 2020
- “Workshop on Neuromuscular Disease and Breathing-From Theory to Practice”, Bucharest, October 11-13, 2018
- “Updates in Neuromuscular Diseases”, Bucharest, July 16-17, 2018
- SMA Academy, Athens, June 22-23, 2018
- “Updates in Diagnosing Pediatric Neurological Conditions” Bucharest, July 19, 2017
- SRIE Summer School and the 2nd East European Epilepsy Course, Cheile Gradistei, June 15-17, 2016
- SRIE Summer School and the 1st East European Epilepsy Course, Cheile Gradistei, July 11-13, 2014
- “Courses from the Summer School at San Servolo”, 2012, with professors from Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Romania
- “Management of the Child with Complex Neurodisability at Brasov Children's Hospital’’, January 15, 2011, (Brasov) held by Dr Rosalind J Jefferson
- “Workshop Meet-the-Professor”, Epilepsy Center Erlangen, Prof H Stefan,Germany, October 5-6, 2009
- ADHD 360°-Analysis of doctors' and parents' opinions on the impact and treatment of ADHD beyond the main symptoms”, Brasov, organized by the College of Physicians Brasov, June 26, 2009
- “Theoretical and practical aspects related to the EEG recording technique”, Brasov, organized by the Foundation Children's Hospital Brasov and the Pediatric Neurology Clinic Bucharest, Dr Laura Popescu, Conf Dr Dana Craiu, with referents from the Netherlands-Therese Gutter and Willie Smith, course for 27 EEG assistants from the country. January 22-26, 2007 (5 days).
- “Electroencephalography, evoked potentials and magnetic stimulation”, Mangalia, June 2006, Medis Foundation, 06.2006.
- “New aspects of diagnostics and treatment in pediatric neurology„epi-expert fundamental clinical aspects of epilepsy”- Bucharest, March 11, 2006
- “University program-epilepsy in children”, Bucharest, February 17, 2006
- “University program-epilepsy & Parkinson's disease”, Bucharest, January 23, 2006
- “Sleep and its disorders-clinical aspects and EEG”, Bucharest, Al Obregia Hospital, organized by the Foundation „Save Children with Epilepsy” Prof Dr Sanda Magureanu, Dr Dana Craiu, referent Walter van Emde Boas M.D., Ph.D, EEG and epilepsy monitoring department, Netherlands. October 10-12, 2005.
- “Temporal and extratemporal epilepsy-clinical aspects and EEG”, Brasov, Clinical Hospital for Children Brasov, organized by Clinical Hospital for Children Brasov Dr Popescu Laura and the Foundation „Save Children with Epilepsy” Prof Dr Sanda Magureanu, Dr Dana Craiu, referent Walter van Emde Boas M.D., Ph.D, EEG and epilepsy monitoring department, Netherlands , September 30-October 2, 2005
- “Updates in clinical and paraclinical diagnosis in epilepsy” referent Walter van Emde Boas, M.D., Ph.D, EEG and epilepsy monitoring department, Netherlands , November 13-16, 2004
- Epilepsy Workshop with Prof Dr. Jean Aicardi, Robert Debre Hospital from Paris, at Al. Obregia Hospital Bucharest, organized by Prof Dr Sanda Magureanu September 11, 2003
- “Updates in child epilepsies”, Bucharest, “Prof Al.Obregia” Hospital, organized by the Foundation „Save Children with Epilepsy” Prof Dr Sanda Magureanu, Dr Dana Craiu, referent Walter van Emde Boas, M.D., Ph.D, EEG and epilepsy monitoring department, Netherlands , June 14, 2002
- “Neurological conditions of the child- early detection and follow-up in primary medical practice”, “Prof Al. Obregia, Pediatric Neurology Clinic ,Bucharest, January 28-February 6, 2002
- “Updates in pediatric neurology”, Bucharest, “Prof Al.Obregia” Hospital, referent Prof M Tardieu, Universite de Paris XI-Hopital Bicetre, Prof Magureanu S, “Prof Al. Obregia” Hospital, October 16-17, 2000
- “Anticonvulsants- drugs with polyvalent action. new therapeutic perspectives in neurology and psychiatry”, referents from Germany, Bucharest, September 28, 2000
- Romanian-american Meeting Children Hospital Brasov, June 21-22, 2000.
National/regional symposiums/workshops:
- „ADHD360º-Analysis of doctors' and parents' opinions on the impact and treatment of ADHD beyond the main symptoms”, Brasov, June 29, 2009
- „ Certainties and perspectives 2008 in Internal Medicine. Where is medical semiology heading?”,Medical Days of Brasov 2008, Brasov, November 6-7, 2008
- „The child with ADHD- from diagnosis to prognosis”-November 30-December 2, 2007, Poiana Brasov.
- „ ADHD treatment in children” – May 16-18, 2007, Sighisoara
- „ Epilepsy treatment in children- a new challenge” – April 28, 2007,Moeciu de Sus, Brasov
- Epilepsy treatment in the era of the latest generation of antiepileptics focus oxcarbazepine (trileptal)” – February 22, 2007, Brasov,moderators: Prof Dr Dan Milea, Conf. Dr. Dana Craiu, Dr Popescu Laura.
- „Updates in clinical and electrophysiological diagnosis of epilepsy’, Bucharest, November 13-16, 2004
- „Updates in child epilepsy”, Neptun, September 20, 2006
- „Insomnia- an independent risk factor in increasing mortality”, Brasov, September 22, 2004
- „ The medical days of Brasov”- December 5-6, 2003, Brasov
- „Prophylaxis and early diagnosis in motor, psychoaffective and behavioral disorders in the 0-3 years child-therapeutic strategies”- The 4th Sibiu Symposium of Neurology and developmental psychiatry, Sibiu, November 15-16, 2002
- „Practical electroencephalography”- satellite session, Bucharest, May 25, 2002
- „Updates in adolescent epilepsy”, Satellite Symposium at “Prof Al. Obregia” Hospital Bucharest, September 27, 2001.
National conferences and conferences +/- International participation
- Webinar-Conference SRIE, Edition XXVIII, November 4-7, 2020
- The IVth National Conference of the Romanian Society of Pediatric Neurology, Bucharest, October 3-5, 2019
- “The IIIrd National Conference of the Romanian Society of Pediatric Neurology” Bucharest, October 26-28, 2017
- The XXVth Conference of the Romanian Society Against Epilepsy, Bucharest, November 15-16, 2017
- The XXIVth National Conference SRIE “Treatment in epilepsy”, Bucharest, November 18-19, 2016
- The XVIIth Congress and the 39th National Conference of Neurology –Psychiatry of the Child and Adolescent and Associated Professions: Neurological pathology and recovery in the 0-3 years interval, Sovata, September 21-24, 2016
- The XIIIth Conference of SRIE, Bucharest, November 19-21, 2015
- The IInd Conference SRNP, Bucharest, November 5-7, 2015
- The IInd Conference on Drug-resistant Epilepsy, Bucharest, April 23-25, 2015
- The Ist Conference SRNP, Bucharest, November 5-7, 2014
- The Ist Conference on Drug-resistant Epilepsy, Bucharest, April 23-25, 2013
- The XIth Congress SNPCAR and the 33rd National Conference of Neurology-Psychiatry of the Child and Adolescent and Associated Professions, Tg Mures, September 22-26, 2010
- The First National Conference of the Romanian Association of Pediatric Surgery, Brasov, May 20, 2010
- National Pediatrics Conference-“The involvement of the kidney in the emergency pathology of the child”, Brasov, May 22-24.05.2008
- The IXth Congress SNPCAR and the 31st national conference of psychiatry and neurology of the Child and Adolescent, Baile Felix September 10-14, 2008
- National Pediatrics Conference, Brasov May 22-24.05.2008
- The VIIIth Congress SNPCAR and the 30th national conference of psychiatry and neurology of the Child and Adolescent, Sinaia September 19-23, 2007
- The VIIth Congress SNPCAR and the 29th national conference of psychiatry and neurology of the Child and Adolescent, Neptun September 24-26, 2006
- The VIth Congress SNPCAR and the 28th National Conference of Psychiatry and Neurology of the Child and Adolescent, Gura Humorului- Jud Suceava, June 1-5, 2005
- The IIIrd National Congress of the Society of Neurology, Bucharest, May 18-21, 2005
- National Pediatrics Conference “Emergencies in Pediatrics” Bucharest, November 11-13, 2004
- The IInd National Congress of the Society of Neurology, Bucharest, November 10-13, 2004
- The 27th National Conference of Psychiatry and Neurology of the Child and Adolescent, Baile Herculane and Drobeta Turnu-Severin September 29-October 2. 2004
- Updates in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy - the XIIIth national conference of Epilepsy with international participation “Updates in epilepsy” Bucharest, May 21-22, 2004
- National Conference of Psychiatry and Neurology of the Child and Adolescent, Timisoara, May 14 -17, 2003
- Updates in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy - the XIIth national conference of Epilepsy, Bucharest, June 6-7, 2003
- Updates in epilepsy- The XIth National Conference of Epilepsy, Bucharest, May 24 - 25.05.2002
- The 25th National Conference of pediatric neurology and psychiatry, Sibiu, June 27 - 29.06.2002
- The 24th national conference with international participation, on the psychic and neurological pathology of the adolescent, Bucharest, September 27-29.09.2001
- Some updates in the treatment of epilepsy, The Xth National Symposium, Bucharest, May 25.05.2001
- The 23rd National Conference of Neurology and Psychiatry of the Child and Adolescent, Miercurea –Ciuc, May 11-14.05.2000
- The 22nd National Conference of Neurology and Psychiatry of the Child and Adolescent, Tg. Mures, 1999
- The IInd National Conference of Stroke, Piatra Neamt, October 27-29.10.1999
- The First National Conference of Medical Genetics, Iasi, May 14-16.05.1998
International conferences/congresses:
- Webinar- Stanford University the 2nd Annual Continuing Medical Education Conference on Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Best practices for SMA in the evolving therapeutic era: Advantages & Challenges of multidisciplinary care December 3-4
- Webinar- the first Eastern European webinar “Seizure control, how early is early enough: a supported description”, on November 25, 2020.
- WEBINAR Biogen the 4th virtual session of the 3rd International Meeting of the SMA Academy "SMA: from data to real world practice", optimizing nutrition in SMA patients, October 27, 2020
- WEBINAR Biogen the 4th virtual session of the 3rd International Meeting of the SMA Academy "SMA: from data to real world practice" Establishing best practices for advanced care of adults with SMA” October 19, 2020
- WEBINAR Biogen the 4th virtual session of the 3rd International Meeting of the SMA Academy "SMA: from data to real world practice"Treating pediatric SMA: expectations and experiences” October 15, 2020
- Webinar UCB‘Seizure control: how early is early enough for patients with Generalized Tonic-Clonic seizures?’ October 15, 2020
- EPNS Webinar: Technological & Innovative Solutions for Pediatric Neurology during Covid-19. October 14, 2020
- WEBINAR Biogen the 4th virtual session of the 3rd International Meeting of the SMA Academy "SMA: from data to real world practice" An evolving picture in SMA: from clinical diagnosis to the SMA phenotype” October 12, 2020
- Webinar Biogen It's time to SHINE in SMA Exploring evidence from the SHINE study, the extension of the nusinersen study in infants and children September 24, 2020
- Expert Masterclass on Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Rome, November 19-20, 2018
- 7th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Society”, Paris, October 30-November 3, 2018
- The 21st ECNP Congress, Barcelona August 30-September 3, 2008
- The 7TH European Congress of Epileptology, Helsinki, July 2-6, 2006
- THE 26TH International Congress of Epilepsy Paris, August 28-September 1, 2005
- THE 6TH European Congress of Epileptology, Vienna May 30-June 3, 2004
Member of societies:
- SRIE-Romanian Society Against Epilepsy since 2000.
- ILAE- International League Against Epilepsy since 2000.
- EUCARE-European Care Research Of Epilepsy since 2005
- EPNS-European Pediatric Neurologist Society since 2009
- SRNP- Romanian Society of Pediatric Neurology (founding member) since 2011
Certifications (Publications, Certifications, Presentations, Projects)
I. Articles/abstracts published in foreign journals (Journal of the International League Against Epilepsy):
- WITHDRAWAL OF LAMOTRIGINE CAUSED BY SUDDEN WEANING OF A NEWBORN: A CASE REPORT - L Popescu, M. Marceanu, I Moleavin. EPILEPSIA- The Journal of the International League Against Epilepsy, Abstracts from the 26th International Epilepsy Congress Paris, 28 August-1 September 2005, Vol 46, Supplement 6 , 2005, p 407.
- “Clinical case traps of epileptic and epileptiform encephalopathies”- Popescu L, Benga I, Modern Medicine magazine, no 1, 2011,p11-15
- "Neurophysiological aspects of sleep and therapy in epileptic and epileptiform encephalopathies"- Popescu L, Benga I, Modern Medicine magazine, no 4, 2010, 202-207
- Clinicotherapeutic aspects of Lamictal withdrawal - Mosoiu L, Moleavin I, Marceanu M, Georgescu E, Albeanu A, Magazine of the Society of Neurology and Psychiatry for Children and Adolescents of Romania, vol.7 no 3, 2004, p 216-217.
- Neurodevelopmental bases of autism between hypotheses and certainties- Mosoiu L, Mosoiu C, Magureanu S, “Prof Al Obregia” Hospital, Bucharest, Psychiatry Brasov Hospital, Magazine of the Society of Neurology and Psychiatry for Children and Adolescents of Romania, Vol 6, no2, 2003, p19-22
- Updates on clinical and paraclinical diagnosis in Williams Syndrome - Mosoiu L, Dobre D, Dobrescu I, Magureanu S, “Prof Al Obregia” Hospital, Bucharest, Magazine of the Society of Neurology and Psychiatry for Children and Adolescents of Romania, vol.5 no 2, 2002, p 29 - 34.
- Strumpell-Lorrain familial spastic paraparesis, L Mosoiu, I Minciu, S Magureanu, “Prof. Al Obregia” Hospital, Bucharest, Magazine of the Society of Neurology and Psychiatry for Children and Adolescents of Romania, Vol 4, no4, 2001, p46-50.
- NEUROLOGICAL RECOVERY IN ACUTE VIRAL ENCEPHALITIS-A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY DURING 1990-2000 IN THE NPI BRASOV SECTION- Mosoiu L, Moleavin I, Mircea R, Children's Hospital Brasov, County Hospital Brasov, at the 23rd National Conference,. Status Publishing, Miercurea-Ciuc, 2000, edited by Dr. Albert Veress, conference materials, p295-301.
- Recovery characteristics in patients with stroke and diabetes mellitus- Donica A, Mosoiu L, Popescu CD, Baltag D-Neurology Clinic- Recovery Hospital Iasi, Romanian Stroke Magazine (AVC), Vol II no 1 year 1999, p92-93.
Communications/ lectures
- Epileptic spasms can have genetic causes- Epilepsies (part II)- New phenotypes within the framework of the IIIrd SRNP Conference, Bucharest, October 26-28, 2017
- Management of the first epileptic seizure (First seizure management) – Preconference Course SRIE November 17-19, 2016
- Case presentation- pre Conference SRIE Course, Bucharest, November 19-21, 2015
- Case presentation - symposium “Treatment of epilepsy in children- a continuous challenge”- Cheile Gradistei, Moeciu de Sus, April 27, 2007.
- Case presentation- Novartis symposium Treatment of epilepsy in the era of the latest generation of antiepileptic drugs focus oxcarbazepine (TRILEPTAL)” – February 22, 2007, Brasov, moderators: Prof Dr Dan Milea, Assoc. Dr. Dana Craiu, Dr Popescu Laura.
- Acute neurological conditions post-vaccination- organized by Transilvania University, Faculty of Medicine Prof Dr. Sorin Buzinski within the course for doctors, Brasov, May 2006
- Ataxic syndrome in children- organized by Transilvania University, Faculty of Medicine Prof Dr. Sorin Buzinski within the course for doctors “Changing paradigms in clinical pediatrics” April 16 - May 7, 2005
- Clinicotherapeutic aspects of lamictal withdrawal - Mosoiu L, Moleavin I, Marceanu M, Georgescu E, Albeanu A, The Vth Congress SNPCAR Baile Herculane, September 28-October 2, 2004
- Thymectomy in a child with myasthenia gravis - Mironescu A, Mosoiu L, National Orthopedics and pediatric surgery Conference, Poiana Brasov, 2004
- Neurological recovery in acute viral encephalitis - a retrospective study during 1990-2000 in the NPI Brasov section - Mosoiu L, Moleavin I, Mircea R, Children's Hospital Brasov, County Hospital Brasov, at the 23rd National Conference, Miercurea-Ciuc, 2000.
Published books
Treatise: neuromuscular conditions in infants, children, and adolescents, 2 vol – under the editorship of Sanda Magureanu; Amaltea Medical Publishing, 2004 ISBN 973-7780-08-6, the book was awarded the “Gheorghe Marinescu” prize by the Romanian Academy in 2006.
Section VI: Muscle conditions:
- Cap25 Approach to the patient with muscular disease p579-592; sole author
- Cap27 Congenital muscular dystrophies p609-633; co-author
- Cap28 Progressive muscular dystrophies with predominant involvement at the level of the belts p634-636; co-author
- Cap29 Dystrophinopathies p637-668; co-author
- Cap30 Muscular dystrophies belt form p669-700; co-author
- Cap31 Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy p700-707; sole author
- Cap32 Progressive muscular dystrophies with non-predominant localized involvement at the level of the belts p708-730; co-author
WITHDRAWAL OF LAMOTRIGINE CAUSED BY SUDDEN WEANING OF A NEWBORN: A CASE REPORT. Abstract for the 26th International Epilepsy Congress, Paris August 2005.
- NEURODEVELOPMENTAL BASES OF AUTISM BETWEEN HYPOTHESES AND CERTAINTIES- Mosoiu L, Mosoiu C, Magureanu S, “Prof Al Obregia” Hospital, Bucharest, Neuropsychiatry Hospital Brasov, at the 26th national conference Timisoara, May 14-17.2003
- SANDIFER SYNDROME-DIAGNOSTIC TRAPS - Mosoiu L, Butoianu N, Tiulete A, Magureanu S, “Prof Al Obregia” Hospital, Bucharest- at the 25th national conference Sibiu, June 27-29.2002
- GELASTIC SEIZURES-CLINICAL ONSET OF THE PONTOCEREBELLAR ANGLE ARACHNOID CYST CASE REPORT, Mosoiu L, Tiulete A, Butoianu N, Magureanu S, “Prof Al Obregia” Hospital, Bucharest- at the 25th national conference Sibiu, June 27-29.2002
- POLYMYOCLONUS, EPILEPSY AND CEREBELLAR ATAXIA IN DEGENERATIVE METABOLIC DISEASES. CASE PRESENTATION. N. Butoianu, A Tiulete, L Mosoiu, I Minciu, S Magureanu, “Prof Al Obregia” Hospital, Bucharest- at the 25th national conference Sibiu, June 27-29.2002
- METABOLIC DISEASE OR IDIOPATHIC TORSION DYSTONIA? DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS- A. Tiulete, N Butoianu, L Mosoiu, S Magureanu, “Prof Al Obregia” Hospital, Bucharest- at the 25th national conference Sibiu, June 27-29.2002
- CEREBELLAR SYNDROME IN MACHADO-JOSEPH DISEASE. N Butoianu, A Tiulete, L Mosoiu, M Macovei, M Alexianu, C. Popa, “Prof Al Obregia” Hospital, Bucharest- at the 25th national conference Sibiu, June 27-29.2002
- THE IMPORTANCE OF EARLY DETECTION IN GENETIC DISEASES. A Nicolae, I Minciu, L Mosoiu, S Magureanu, “Prof Al Obregia” Hospital, Bucharest- at the 25th national conference Sibiu, June 27-29.2002
- UPDATES ON CLINICAL AND PARACLINICAL DIAGNOSIS IN WILLIAMS SYNDROME-Mosoiu l, Dobre D, Magureanu S, Dobrescu I, “Prof Al Obregia” Hospital, Bucharest, September 27-29.2001
- TEMPORAL EPILEPTIC SEIZURES- THE ONLY SYMPTOM IN SUPRASELLAR TUMOR. CASE REPORT. N Butoianu, A Tiulete, L Mosoiu, S Magureanu, “Prof Al Obregia” Hospital, Bucharest, September 27-29.2001
- RUBINSTEIN-TAYBI SYNDROME- CLINICAL CASE. A Tiulete, N Butoianu, L Mosoiu, R Gherghiceanu, “Prof Al Obregia” Hospital, Bucharest, September 27-29.2001
- REHABILITATION PARTICULARITIES IN PATIENTS WITH STROKE AND DIABETES MELLITUS- Donica A, Mosoiu L, Popescu CD, Baltag D-Neurology Clinic- Recovery Hospital Iasi, The II-nd National Conference of Stroke, in the XIIIth session, Neuroprotection, Piatra Neamt, October 28-29.1999
- REPORTING A NEW CASE OF CORNELIA DE LANGE SYNDROME- Mosoiu L, Mitrica M, Children's Hospital Brasov,- at the Genetics Conference May 14-16.1998, Iasi
Awards: (Distinctions, Citations)
- First Prize at the San Servolo Summer School Courses 2012, for the team research project
- Second Prize at the National Neurology Congress Bucharest May 8-11, 2007, sanofi-aventis symposium, May 11, 2007 for case presentation
Service | Rate (LEI) | Details |
New consultation (primary physician) | 350 | |
Follow-up consultation (primary physician) | 200 |
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