Psychologist / speech therapist
Schedule: Monday: 15:00-21:00; Wednesday: 17:00-21:00.Professional experience
2017 - 2018
SHADOW - School no. 4
- facilitating behavioral adaptation by rewarding desirable behaviors
- use of specific methods to extinguish unwanted behaviors
- support and assistance in finding solutions and answers in case of complex tasks
- facilitating and encouraging independence within the activities and the group
2017 - 2018
PROJECT COORDINATOR "INVESTING IN YOUNG PEOPLE" - Association of Students in Psychology and Educational Sciences
- coordinating a team of 6 volunteers
- organizing workshops
- support in the search for the activity space
2016 - 2017
SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR - Association of Students in Psychology and Educational Sciences
- maintenance of social platforms
- writing articles
- promoting the activities of the association as well as of the faculty
- site maintenance, Facebook page, Instagram page, site, blog and Linkedin account
- coordinating a team of about 10 members
2017 - 2018
SOCIAL TEAM MEMBER - Cognosis Summer School
- organization of therapy-specific workshops
- organizing activities for participants outside the training hours
- research for the activity space
Education and training
Psychologist with the right of free practice - Practitioner in Supervision - Clinical Psychology
2018 - 2020 - Bucharest, Romania
Master student - Master "Assessment, counseling and psychotherapy of the child, the couple and the family."
10/2019 - 12/2019
Practitioner - Internship at the "Bucharest University Emergency Hospital"
2015 – 2018 – Bucharest, Romania
Bachelor's degree - Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, specialization Psychology, University of Bucharest
2017 – 2018
Practitioner - Psy Expert Practice
2016 – 2017
Practitioner - Organizational practice, Luminita Keles
2011 – 2015 – Bucuresti, Romania
Baccalaureate Diploma - "Iulia Hasdeu" National College
Organizational skills
- Good leadership skills of a team acquired as a coordinator of a group of 10 people
- Time management
Communication and interpersonal skills
- good communication skills gained as a department coordinator within the "ASPSE" association
- assertiveness following work and practice with children of different ages
Skills acquired in the workplace
- good knowledge of what it means to observe and analyze behaviors
- assertiveness in speech acquired after working with children
- good skills in organizing information and delivering it
- "The importance of the shadow in the integration of children with autism" supported by Carmen Grigorescu - Participation Diploma
- Workshop "Speech therapy in autism spectrum disorder: specific benchmarks and strategies", given by Georgiana Trancau - Diploma of Participation
- "Sound Tricks" supported by Speech Therapist Ana Hodea - Participation Diploma
- 09/2019 - 11/2019 "ABA techniques in autism spectrum disorders" - Certificate of the continuous professional training course - 60 credits
See here how you can make an appointment and the location of our clinics.